Bug - Car won't turn

I personally havent had that happen to me yet so i wouuld say its just a controller thing.

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I originally though this was related to the Feb preview update, it isn’t.

I have confirmed it IS a problem with Forza 6.

Tested with 4 different controllers, 3 consoles, and various games over the last 3 weeks.
This only happens in 6.

I can almost replicate it at this point.
Nurburgring, the downhill right sweeper after the straight-ish bit in the first 25% of the lap.

I trail brake,coast into the turn, the instant i apply throttle the car stops steering and I go straight. (not understeer)

In telemetry it looks like the game stops getting input from the controller.
The wheel goes straight, the accel drops to nothing.

Drivetrain or car has nothing to do with it.
From F1 to stock 86.

Another track is Laguna Seca.
The downhill left after the corkscrew.

The first turn of Yas Marina.

It seems to only happen on turns that I corner that particular way.

2 of the 3 consoles I tested this on were on the latest preview update, while one was just the normal public one.
1 controller was a day one. 2 came with the other XBones. The last was a Forza 6 controller.

What I think makes the bug so random may be how its triggered.
Since everyone drives differently, it only happens to some of us.

EDIT: Also not sure if this is the case for some of you also.
It only seems to happen in multiplayer in a room I’m not hosting.
The connection isn’t the problem, so don’t bother thinking that.

Will get a vidoe asap.


While you are close, I’ve pointed out that this used to happen to me on Forza 5 later on it’s life, and then pretty much all of Forza 6. As I’ve stated, it is not isolated to Forza, so you’ve confirmed nothing other than that it happens to you on Forza. As it’s a game that needs the utmost precision when playing it, it was a lot more noticable on it. As time went by, I started noticing the problem to certain degrees on other games. It being games that didn’t require as much finesse as FM does, it just chalked it up to being not a problem.

What I’ve noticed, is that it seems to get progressively worse as the months go by. Not month by month, but longer gaps really. I was playing Diablo last night, and when traveling right on the joystick, it would lock up and produce the same exact effects that occur on Forza (Completely dead, even though you’re full lock.) In Forza it happened mostly on right pulls, and very very rarely on left. On Diablo it seems to be only right pulls just like Forza.

On Forza 6, the problem is not isolated to a certain mode for me. It can happen wherever.

I’m willing to bet, that farther down the line you’re going to start experiencing these same symptoms on other games, as this problem worsens. It’s either a faulty hardware for day one controllers, or faulty software with the updates of the pad.

I haven’t tried every game in my Library, but so far the games it effects for me are Diablo 3, Fallout 4, Forza 5 & 6. Only noticed it on these games, because that’s basically all I was playing.

Do you press any buttons during the loading screen at the beginning of a race (the screen where the car rolls up to the line)?

Although, I don’t think you get that in MP.

The reason I ask is I got dodgy controller inputs when attempting the rivals event at the weekend. It was because I was hitting the a button whilst in that loading screen. However, the issue was slow gearing changes almost like the transmission was damaged. Damage was set to cosmetic. Anyway, what I am thinking is this turning issue might be a controller issue that is triggered in a loading screen by pressing certain buttons. It then may only show at certain corners due to driving style as the inputs affect what happens.

That’s my theory. I haven’t experienced this specific problem so I can’t recreate and test this.


The steering modeling issue has been discussed to death - I’ve been an active contributor myself.

It’s the controller filtering and speed sensitive steering in the game. It’s fixed in a certain way and sometimes even though you’re taking turns with varying levels of sharpness at the exact same speed, the game sometimes lets you steer more on turn A as opposed to turn B, even though both can be taken at the same speed.

I do not remember this being a glaring issue in Forza 5, although it would occur now and then in Forza 4. No such issue in Forza 2 or 3.

Now, if you use sim steering, you’ll need to be more mindful of your inputs because how fast you steer/countersteer on the analog stick will see your driver turning the wheels at the same speed - something which isn’t possible in real life, unless you’re driving a race car which has the max-lock steering rack ratio locked in at 90 degrees on either side. Take home message: make very intricate and fine corrections on sim steering.

Now, as for the understeer, there are two ways of tackling the problem - you can reduce the outside deadzone to about 85 or 80 if you want the driver to reach full-lock faster, even if the game does not let you steer past a certain point due to the speed sensitivity. The second solution is switching to normal steering. You’ll find the cars generally have more front-wheel bite and the driver readily turns the wheel more because it probably ignores certain physical effects being transferred from the road to the steering (as is mentioned in the control menu).

Either way, experiment with both sim and normal, but see how it all works when you reduce the outside deadzone. As of now, this is the only fix - and no, it is definitely not a controller issue, as others (particularly wheel users) are quick to point out.

Send me a PM if you want to race head to head - we can note down our observations and have a little fun in the process as well. :wink: