Bring back real racing

From my experience and chats I’ve had with other players, credits and league points aren’t really incentives at all.

Give out a Unicorn to the cleanest racers each month and then see what happens :wink:


I wish they did multiplayer like Gran Turismo does tbh.

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You’re not the only one, Gran Truismo 6’s Multiplayer tools are the best I’ve ever come across. There’s a reason I played that game for 18 months.

Yeah it was really good, I will definitely be checking out GT Sport.

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If you want longer races run the endurance events, long free play races, or private lobbies. Problem solved. The general races in career mode will always be relatively short. I think this is to encourage people to play through them all. If all races were 30 min. plus, it would feel like an intense grind and there would be no option to pick up and play. Besides, no matter what length of race, many online players will naturally try to hard drive the first corner to set their initial positioning on the first lap. It is pretty much unavoidable in most racing games. Also, Forza doesn’t have F1 game rules where you get penalized for causing wrecks or illegal overtakes and needs to appeal to a broader audience who don’t take the game as serious as many on here.


And this mindset is the problem well that and turn10 doesnt really care about anything after launch. It’s hard to find a lobby without atleast one guy in there doing nothing but trolling it’s ridiculous. Ghosting your car if you want would be a cool feature that would stop the trolling instantly.

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Although I have to agree with the point you’re trying to make, the above point is not exactly true because the 1970s GP hopper offers longer races and the start + first corner carnage is still pretty shocking at times.
It doesn’t matter if you’re racing dragsters or bicycles - for as long as you have grids full of racers with different aggression levels, different skill levels and different respect levels then there is absolutely nothing that can be do to resolve the situation because if there were then i’m pretty sure Forza (and indeed every other racing game) would have adopted it by now.

  1. Private lobbies and kick voting doesn’t resolve the problem - it just moves it elsewhere.

  2. Ghosting of any type completely takes away the intensity and point of racing.

  3. Rewards for better driving solves nothing either because the game gives away CR way too freely to make it justifiable to race clean in order to receive virtual credits/rewards.

  4. Matchmaking. Well, i’m not exactly what that is any more!

Forza 6 multiplayer is absolutely no worse than that of 5 or 4 (I can’t speak for the rest because I’ve never played them online) and absolutely no different to pretty much every single ‘serious’ racing game that has gone before. I say “pretty much” because, due to it’s race physics and near-unmoveable cars, Racedriver Grid 1 multiplayer was (and remains) the best online racing experience ever.
Blur + Flatout UC don’t count because first, second, third and indeed any corner pileups were perfectly acceptable - and highly amusing stuff.

A couple of stories that spring to mind from instances when I’ve been in longer hoppers.
Firstly I and a few other racers were caught up in a bit of a first corner melee at Watkins Glen. One particular racer (who was clearly quite good but for obvious reasons will remain nameless) had an awful lot to say about the skills of those around him, how he’d had sex with certain members of their families and the usual plethora of uncomplimentary comments that usually follow the obligatory initial insults. He then got on with the race with me in warm pursuit. But the weird thing is was that he took it upon himself to barge his way thru the pack, leaving carnage in his wake - in total silence!!

The second one was from F5 when they introduced those massive (2 hour I think) endurances around Indianapolis and after waiting 25 minutes for the race to finish ended up on a grid of 12 for the start of the next race. I was on pole (i felt like Mario Andretti whilst revving my engine), the lights turned green and we were off like rabbits into the first corner. Wallop, a seven car pile up on the first bend of a 2 hour race!

That’s the problem. It doesn’t matter how few the grid is, how long the races are or how skilled the driver is because as soon as that ‘go, go, go’ ego kicks in then it is every man for himself, irrespective of consequences. I don’t speak for all - but I certainly speak for the vast majority.


I like the idea of more laps, but i think 16 will be too much, 5-10 laps I think would be a good number. Plus it will be much better to have only full course tracks instead of the short versions of them or at least have one of the voting options be a full course track at all times. Nothing more annoying than to have both voting options as Sebring Short one in the rain and the other at night.

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IMHO this issue will not be solved in this title, if they want improve the racing they need to start with what players are introduced to when they first play the game, the career mode. Starting 12th and having to Finnish in the top 3 to progress through the career is no way to teach newer players any sort of racing etiquette. Having a more serious career mode won’t necercerilly make the game boring or unattractive either. There are so many things that can be done to help serious and casual players alike, qualifying for starters. If a player doesn’t want that hassle of doing it before every race? Then have an optional auto qualify system that will let the players that don’t want to do it, just like how we have auto upgrade system, it’s easy for newcomers to quickly get things done while those that want to spend the extra time can and possibly achive better results by doing so.
There also needs to be some sort of progression system to prevent new players jumping into a car that’s too fast for them and causing havoc, heck the forums have a license system but the game doesn’t? C’mon, why not have an in game license that’s also displayed here on the forums? Then if they want to future proof this lisence system when the next title comes out down the line, have like a prestige system so those that like to start from scratch again can, and those that want to keep their license to keep racing higher class cars can do that straight of the bat.
Obviously a license system would have to encourage good driving in order to progress, something like complete x number of races with less than x incedences, or achieve x amount of perfect passes or both etc

I could go on and on and I’m sure we all have our own ideas that will make forza better for everyone, not every one will agree or even like some people’s ideas and that is the hard job of T10 to try deliver something for everyone


It’s really too bad but the only way to improve the “quality of racing” so to speak is to induce penalties not rewards. You would have to give an actual time penalty for hitting other cars and make the outside of track surface slow down cars much more than it does now to prevent corner cutting and to convince people to handle corners at more reasonable speeds.


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I too really wish they would bring back ALL the great features that made every previous FM game unbelievably good.

I’ve come to realize that Forza has turned into a revenue generating machine and has abandoned it’s roots of an enthusiast geared game. Horizon and Motorsport are simply now need for speed, midnight club, etc. The goals are now to put as much content (which generates more revenue) in the game rather than focus on the experience.

Turn10 is not going to fix or change anything at this point, other than maybe some PI errors on DLC.

We’ve only got a few more months of DLC until Turn10 pulls the plug on development and focuses on Horizon 3.

To me, someone who likes realism, this is the nail in the coffin for the series. I’m glad I only paid $25 for my copy. I’m not buying an additional content. Turn10 will not get another dime from me.

Forza 5 was a release day title, so I gave Turn10 a “pass” on that title. But Forza 6 simply doesn’t live up to the hype. There was tons of feedback on what Forza 5 was missing. There was plenty of time to develop Forza 6 into what it could be. There’s a saying “Fool me once, shame on you… Fool me twice, shame on me.”

I guess the enthusiasts need a new title from Turn10, Forza Simulator.

I really think turn10 and microsoft are missing a big opportunity with peripherals, too. I’m a TX wheel user. Think how much additional revenue Turn10 could make by licensing out the Forza name to brand a steering wheel(s). But Turn10 simply decides to ignore the wheel users or grow that market by making their games completely numb in the wheel experience. Play Pcars or a PC sim after playing Forza and you’ll know what I’m talking about.

I believe the future of console racing games has arrived and Turn10 is about to be behind the 8ball. PCars is great now, but it took a long time to get it there. AC is coming soon. That’s the second launch of a known PC simulator for console.


Regarding FH3 Playground Games will play the major part in that where T10 wont be involved as much as in the Motorsport series, so they wont completely pull the plug on FM6 when FH3 is out.

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That hasn’t been the trend.

Forza 4 had 0 releases after FH1 was released.

Forza 5 had 0 releases after FH2 was released.

Why on earth should I expect Forza 6 support after FH3? I hope I’m wrong, but I’m going by what Turn10 has previously done in 2 identical scenarios.

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I agree 100%, T-10 will not get any more money out of me, I deeply regret that I threw away money on this garbage.

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What support would you possibly need 12 months after release and only 12 months ahead of the new iteration?

This is a game, not an OS. Honestly, if you want endless support and updates you’ll have to make your own game and not spend a mere 60 or 70 bucks on someone else’s.

I’m not asking for support. I’m making the point that any asks for major fixes or major changes to the game is pretty much a moot point now. They are done with any fix, changes, etc. They only thing we will see from here on out is some DLC.

This isn’t $60-70 game.

$60 for title
$30 for car pack
$10 for FF pack
$? for Porsche expansion. I bet it’s gonna be at least $20.

That’s $120 real quick.


and not everyone has the time for dozens of laps on a track before moving onto the next race either. Hence the lower lap count.

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Any business has to make profit or die.

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Two lap races with a max roster of 24 cars is normally applied to larger wider tracks such as any of F1 circuits or Road America or Sebring, which is fine with me. I don’t mind the lesser XP, just a quick and fast race once you make it past the wrecking balls and make some distance between them.