Please fix it, it is starting to become too stupid.
Always starting in grid on 14th position (also tell me why we start 8th only on bathurst), always too low number of laps, always a wall of stupid drivatars to pass up in first lap (impossible in a clean way), impossibile to end a race with the car undamaged, impossible to take up the first if you do not carmageddon the others slow stupid cars in front of you.
Now start with the usual “race is not meant to be always first”. Yeah, but racing also is not meant to be starting always behind a wall of stupid drivers that only slow you down.
I get usually top 1% times with non-leaderbord cars on every track without any assist, so it’s not my driving.
Ah, also please make it possible to disable the stupid rewind feature, is so noob to have (although necessary with this kind of races, i’m starting to think that this is the way turn 10 meant the game to be, a destruction/rewind/dirtypassing/catch the first 5s ahead of you in halfalap racing game).
Free play races are fun and good, with the possibility to set a lot of laps, pump up the difficulty to the maximum, and starting on the first rows, battleing every turn with the top 3 drivers. Just please make career races more similar to free play ones. Please.
I could deal with it if only they allowed me to easily exit a race at any time, or allow me to change my car quickly (but without showing me every car, show me only the proper class). That ALONE would have made career easier to take. Please do not underestimate the little things. Without them the entire experience is hindered.
I also think that fixing the career race is really quick: just an idea, it is just enough that bumping up the difficulty of drivatars, consequently the starting position on the grid go ahead. For example, at the unbeatable difficulty, let just us start up 1st to 3rd, at pro difficulty 3rd to 5th, …, at lowest difficulty 14th to 16th.
This way, easy and slow drivatars for beginners will be really easy to overtake, and for who plays at the highest settings, the races will be more fun and less frustrating, so we can battle just from the first turns with the 3 top drivatars (that usually drive more clean and with less tendency to ram on you and also are really more skilled to drive and difficult to overtake).
This will make a really good career, also with just 2 or 3 laps. Although more laps (maybe 5?) will be better a lot.
I might be alone on this but I enjoy the single player more than previous versions - bump the difficulty and be sure to keep the drivatars ON. Compare it to GT6, and its definitely more exciting, and maybe its not as “clean” as people would like, but I think it is much more exciting to have some bumping and rough racing rather than clean racing over, and over. HOWEVER, what people have highlighted here, it would be nice to see maybe a version of SP that is more clean, and longer races.
Agreed, Career mode is boring. Same start position, same time of day every time you race the same tracks…
I would like the ability to change how many laps you can do and the car class. I don’t like being forced to race a certain class.
Why can’t we pick a championship series, choose a preferred class to upgrade to and then pick how many laps & difficulty etc?
imagine fighting in a race against other humans and make it points for finsihing and each race should count towards the title, right now you can finsih last in every race and you are able to move to the next event.
That would then leave us with no respite from the maniacal online experience. All it would have taken to make career a better experience was to give the races a few more laps, the higher the class the more laps same as earlier versions of the game. This in turn would have had a better effect on the drivatar’s as it would have eliminated the ‘I must win by turn 1’ effect it has on people who are perhaps not skilled enough to reach a top 3 finish in such a short race, I mean F1 car at Spa 2 laps is just ridiculous.
To a certain extent I agree with you. I wouldn’t even bother with playing career mode at all if it wasn’t for the achievements. I much prefer racing ‘real’ people in ‘real’ time. I’ve had a thousand times more fun racing online than I did racing through the career. Career mode for me is just such a boring grind, I’m just glad FM5 career wants as demanding as the bucket list was in FM4.
No to an ‘online only’ career. However, a nice alternative would be to offer an option before a career race to search for online players working on the same tier and then mix them in with the ai.
Overall, I think the biggest issue with the career is that it’s so clinical. Forza’s career mode isn’t a ‘career’, it is basically modeled on a twenty year old arcade ladder and that is going to get boring no matter what combination of real/npc players you have.
I agree after many hours working my way through career mode it is now starting to get a little stale.
The many cars are great to drive but as I drive using in car view I spend most by time looking at the track etc.
It’s been said many times that new tracks are needed and T10’s response of “they take too long to make” I don’t know why they didn’t allow us to play them at different times of the day. They’ve also said they couldn’t do night driving despite this being in Horizons.
If you then added short, medium or full lap counts you could extend the life of each track by quite a bit.
Qualifying laps could also be added to establish your position on the starting grid which could also vary your experience.
I actually prefer this career mode over previous titles and the drivatars I have had some epic battles for 2nd and 1st places what would make it even more better would be the option of grid position maybe a qualifying lap option so theres a chance you don’t always start from the back.
I’ve completed all the careeer modes on Forzas 1,2,3,4, Horizon and now 5 as well. 5 has by far the most boring and unrewarding career mode of the series. Win a 10 race series with a D-class car? you get 12,000 dollars. Win the most prestigious race series in the world (F1) and what do you get? 12,000 dollars. No prize cars, no motivation to unlock harder series as everything is open from the beginning, the races are all too short with little variation aside from what kind of car you drive, completely unfulfilling in every way. Even when they try to mix it up with the chase and Stig challenge races, the AI traffic is so annoying and poorly implemented it’s not any fun. The autocross events are a nice change of pace, but I find the bowling events and Top Gear London Simulators idiotic. I thought Forza 3 had the worst neverending career until this steaming pile, I’m glad I have finished it so I can move on to other areas of the game. The drivatars are an awesome tool that is implemented terribly due to the races being too short so you have to ram your way through before the lead cars jackrabbit so far ahead you can’t catch them. I can top 1% nearly any leaderboard I want so it’s not because I’m too slow either. And still, NO ENDURANCE EVENTS! Inexcusable. The physics, controls, and driving immersion are the best they have ever been, it’s too bad they slapped this shoddy Career mode together at the last second with seemingly little thought or play testing put into it. Here’s looking forward to Horizon 2 and Forza 6, I suppose.
And please in the the next game put traffic blind spot indicators like on GT6 for us cockpit view drivers. Brilliant idea there.
I enjoyed the career for about 2 weeks, which is more than in previous Forzas, but eventually and inevitably, I gave up on it to spend my time tuning/testing cars online and rivals mode.
I recently realised that the only racing games I ever “finish” are the ones with a story (GRiD, Test Drive Ferrari, Need For Speed, TDU…), but at the same time, I usually stop playing those as soon as the game is “completed”. Replayability issues.
The right way to build a career for me would be much more similar to real motorsport, from grassroots to whatever (Le Mans, IndyCar, F1…) and with an emphasis on player progression through contracts, test drives, travels and so on. Forza 5 has a lot of loading times in career mode, there is no sense of being part of anything really.