Im done playing Forza because of the crappy drivers for driveatar this whole system is a neat concept but the human factor of S!**^y drivers is really beginning to piss me off. It wouldn’t be so bad if we had a qualifying lap to determine standing in the starting grid but when i start in 10th place every race and am required to play as if it was a destruction derby to get into gold standing that is ridiculous. I will not play until this is addressed. I can play with limited cars and limited features but I will not play a need for speed style game that is intended to be as realistic as possible. HOW MANY GT RACES DO YOU SEE WHERE EVERYONE SMASHES EVERYONE AT EVERY CORNER!? Thats right none…. Im tired of this FIX IT PLEASE I LIKE FORZA but will not play or purchase another unless I have the option to drive against a driver (M Rossi and the likes) and not clowns trying to learn how to race. Or as stated before add in a qualifying lap so I can blow the doors off the them and not have to worry about it. I have tried all driver settings so this is not my problem.
Too bad it didn’t work out for you. Adios.
race in freeplay mode. it pays just as much and i think starting times are done by launch ratings. and you can race up to 50 laps. the problem is you dont see 2 lap races in real life. and if you were that much better than everyone else online you would know starting up front dosn’t mean you dont have to deal with them. you will lap the worst drivers and i have been taken out by lappers. if your launch time is good enough you can pass over half the cars going into the 1st turn. put the drivatars on easy level and you should pass all of them by the 1st turn giving you the hotlap experience you want. or you could do rivals if you dont want to be bothered with other racers.
dont forget this is a video game and no matter how ‘realistic’ anyone puts on the face of their game . . . it just isnt. I do agree with your statement but its not worth quitting over is it?
It is if its spoiling your enjoyment. Whats the point in racing a bunch of AI who spaz out at every opportunity? You cant even go online to avoid it as that is a carbon copy experience of the single player game, crashtastic.
I haven’t turned a wheel on 5 in over 2 weeks & participated in rd 1 of series 7 of the VM Classics last night on Forza 4…so much more enjoyable, didn’t miss the new graphics or physics one bit. As long as the racing is good & you have little extras like saving online replays to take pics of afterwards that add to the enjoyment of the occasion thats all that matters. Next gen didn’t seem so good after last night, i’m loving Forza 4 again.
The forza series is not a “game that is intended to be as realistic as possible.” It is a “simcade” game, some simulation elements, the rest is geared towards fast paced arcade style racing. They even took away some simulation elements such as gas and tire wear, which are now just there for show.
They advertised a fast and fair MP before the game came out, and they programmed the AI to go into deathrace mode if you even look at them wrong. Maybe that’s what they had in mind the whole time. They certainly haven’t said otherwise.
In the 50 lap races I run in free play fuel is used and tyres wear out. You have to pit. You definitely need a little bit of strategy as the drivatars pit over a wide range of laps. and there is an achievement/badge for running out of gas.
to the OP: when I first started playing FM5 it was a real demolition derby. However I synced up my drivatar and had to be honest enough with myself to admit my racecraft needed improvement. I’ve worked on this and also upped the drivatar difficulty level to pro/unbeatable. The racing is clean and very fast. IMHO much better than the old drivers. they react much more logically. The only bugbear is when you lap them they will still race as if its for position.
Agree. There is a lot to like about the drivatar concept but T10 needs to look at the learning algorithms used because we shouldn’t have to deal with the AI making side swiping take down moves in a racing game with Forza’s pedigree.
perhaps you simply suck at driving? i have no problem having a relatively clean race, on the harder sets of difficulties. i mean, there’s a little rubbing, but that’s racing. there’s no major crash and no full-force shunting and ramming. just wait for the opportunity and make a clean pass. granted, i don’t always make it to first place, but i almost always grab gold, and that’s what matters.
or, perhaps you could try racing online? it’s not perfect. there’s sometimes a crash on turn one, but even if you get caught in one, you can still make a podium finish, no problem. i raced online a little in Forza 4, and this is much better. there are less griefers, and while there are still crashes, they are rarer still.
Yea, no problem here either. I set them on unbeatable and actually get challenged for the most part. I find the Drivatars much more interesting than the previous AI. The best way to race is still with a group of like minded racers in a private race. I’m just still waiting for 90 percent of my friends from the old club to upgrade to Forza 5.
Once again I think the only solution is to give us options. The drivatar behaviour in my races is just enough to make it interesting. Of course it can depend on how our friends race so maybe we just need the option to apply a “clean it up” modifier to the drivatars we race against.
I had issues when I had in on average and above average but one you go above those the drivatars sim to work a lot better and it is a cleaner race. it also makes it a challenge trying to catch the better ones on the lower levels even with banging the race is normal own before the first lap is over
If baby is done with his little tantrum, feel free to go play something inferior. You might enjoy Gran Turismo, which is basically the opposite in terms of your racing experience. Forza’s Drivatar system tries to replicate the behaviors and aggression of live humans, which takes racing AI to a higher new level, but GT still has timid AI lagging behind other racing games; AI so dull that they aren’t competitive and to compensate they are strung out as a parade ahead of you with you tasked to simply cruise by them. GT AI just cruises along and smiles as you pass them.
I wish we had more opportunities to set up a race in free-play, if I want to drive a V8 Supercar race, I have no choice but to run 2 lap race in career.
or you have the choice of buying the car rather than renting. you can race any car you own in freeplay. by the way you dont get paid when you rent, you do get paid for racing owned cars in freeplay.
First the mp was crap, but day by day i see much more cleaner drivers.
Some lobbys are so nice with very close finishes, i am enjoying it very much.
I like the driver avator concept I much prefer it over the old AI in previous titles as the old AI seemed a bit boring to me far too easy unless you played it on its hardest level.
I have had some good battles with the new system and have had to home my skills in the art of overtaking yes they can be harsh but I find it a challenge which I quite enjoy and most of the races I feel as if I have had a race and end up fighting for position with the first 2 cars.
The more agressive you drive the dirtier the drivatars drive, as the OP recognizes to get to gold he plays demoderby, try lowering the difficulty by lets say one level and try driving clean for a couple of races and you will see that the drivatars will mirror your cleanness, at least that is my experience, once you are able to beat the lower difficulty very easily and cleanly, try turning up the difficulty and play clean - if you are agressive they are agressive as well
befor just coming on here slating t10 for trying to change things up as any of you complainers even tried this improved the drivatars 100% for me