Black flags in lobby racing for bad driving. leaderboard app

Hello all.

One of the best new additions for me would be to black flag bad driving.
This could work two ways.
we have all raced and had one person spoil a great race by ramming us of the track.
Black flag could work two ways.
Instant ghost for the remaining race.
Or disqualified and returned to lobby screen.
When back to lobby screen a vote to kick option appears.
This would give the racer a chance to apologise and beg for forgiveness.
Also the lobby the ability to enjoy clean racing easier.

The last point.
A leaderboard app would be great for quickly checking lap times.
That’s all.

Unfortunately fast lap times do not necessarily mean clean racing

This will probably get moved to the black hole otherwise known as the Wishlist thread but before it does I’ll make a quick reply :slight_smile:

Very difficult for the software to differentiate between a racing incident, an error of judgement or a player being distracted. There’s also the situation where you try a clean pass only to have the other car nerf you in the side and youre the only one to leave the track. However, driving the wrong way. Not moving at the start, not braking for several corners and so on would be obvious and I agree, it would be good to see the perps sidelined. Rather than return to lobby just have them stopped somewhere on track in ghost so they either have to quit or wait it out. It’ll get boring very quickly.

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So true. Even games like Gran Turismo which try to issue penalties to players who drive aggressively often penalize those who were completely innocent to the situation. There are just too many variables for an artificial black flag system to be employed without some sort of human input to aid it.

I know a very hard punishment that would solve things quickly.
5 collisions max! If you exceed that number you are automatically kicked or turned into a ghost with handicaped power.
Crashes still happen? Reduce the number. People have to learn the hard way.

Another one is to create an online racing license. Basically you complete several challenges where you learn how to pass clean, avoid collisions, etc. If you don´t have the license, no online racing for you.
The game could also read the amount of force on the crash and associate it with on purpose crashes. That, however, is much more difficult to implement.