Hello, I just bought a TX racing wheel for my xbox one last week and I played it with Forza Horizon 2 and it felt great. Last night I tried using the wheel with Forza 5 and it was awful. The car would not steer until i had the wheel turned like 90 degrees. I see on this forum that people have discussed that there are some different in game settings as well as the ability to change some settings on the wheel itself. What are the best settings to use for this game? thank you
In game dead zone,0-100 for steering. Wheel settings for me,vibration at 95,force feedback at 65,DOR set at 330. Darin at IRS said some one at T10 told him to use 330 all the time. I use 270 for the F1 Lotus and 330 for the rest,also remember you have to reset your DOR everytime you start the games as it defults back to 900.
I’ve got vibration set at 85 and force feedback at 50. I use 450 DOR S class and under and 330 for R class and higher.
What about the pedals and clutch. 0-100 as well?
Yes accept for the clutch. You want that as short as possible. 0-20 I believe is the lowest setting. I use FFB 85. But I like a heavier feeling wheel.
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