Baja CC Circuit finish line nerfed

Not sure whether to report as a bug or if it genuinely is a feature (would anyone know, anyway?) so I’ll post here in general, but the Baja Cross Country circuit’s finish straight has been altered since yesterday’s update (screenshots attached, can’t upload clip, sadly, but was recorded in Horizon Open Custom) - stands and sidings removed and the final corner is now wide open as a consequence.

Need to learn a new driving line whilst it remains like this!

I think I like it better, aesthetically.

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I like it too and prefer it, however, I think it’s a mistake brought about by the removal of the neon decorations. I think. Someone has forgotten to put the OG furniture back if I’m right. :man_facepalming:t2::joy:


I think it should stay like that, only because if someone out there was that desperate to win in Open they could start a new playthrough on an alt and go in CC Open without doing the Expedition.

If you don’t do the Expedition this is what Baja CC looks like to you even online, so you’d have a massive advantage over everyone.

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In Horizon Open and Rivals I raced it and it’s as per my pictures both times (two separate Open sessions, too). I’m on XSX.

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I believe it will be staying like this. From the Series 20 Release Notes:

  • Festival site objects have been removed from select Race Routes as those couldn’t be shown to all players.

No idea why only this CC race route is affected that I’ve seen this far or which players are affected by it but this is the only feasible explanation I have (aside from my theories posited in previous replies above).

Crazy it’s different on PC vs console.