Are you happy now? Is this new win by all means necessary formula better or worse than the old skill points system to you? I’m thinking it’s a classic case of “Be careful what you wish for.” Discuss.
People drifting in Online adventure just to get points with no regard for those around them trying to race in the past Horizon games was not better. This isn’t great either. This win by any means necessary isn’t something new to Forza games. Behavior is the same in Motorsport or any other Horizon game. I would prefer the voting system from the past Horizon games to kind of being forced into something you wouldn’t necessarily want to do. Especially in ranked. I always end up getting cross country or S2. I do like cross country but they made it an obstacle course that just lends itself to more bad behavior generally. The problem is really the mixing of skill levels. I think we will eventually see skill and sportsmanship ratings in future Forza games for matchmaking. Until than it’s not going to change dramatically.
I get what you’re saying but I normally beat drifters and at least they got out of your way for the most part. If they didn’t passing them was rather easy. Now it’s demolition derby with no skill. Old system just needed to be tweaked with more focus on winning IMO. The current system is awful.
Agreed. Obstacles are the big issue for me. Unless you are right behind the AI, they won’t be affected by brick walls, fences, and other debris… Makes catching up to the leaders almost impossible.
(Sorry, just realized this doesn’t pertain to AI, this thread is for multiplayer…)
Cross Country was great on H2’s expansion Storm Island. No obstacles like the ones in H4. They just cause a mess in H4. People hit them, they are then desperate not to lose their position and end up messing up others. I don’t know why there are obstacles, it makes no sense. Really it’s just stupid.
Possibly the obstacles were added so no one can run away with the lead? I mean really the person out front gets punished more if others are right behind them. They hit the debris and get passed. Makes sense in a win by all means necessary game…
Clean racing and winning gave you more points than drifting in the back especially if the person sliding around didn’t finish the race. What I don’t understand is why PG felt it necessary to completely remove that system instead of just tweaking it with more points being given for winning. I mean I don’t know anyone who I played with regularly who enjoys this new setup more than the old. Sadly enough a lot of people I played this series with all the time don’t even play Xbox at all anymore because of the MP in this game.
I do fairly well in this game but I couldnt lose in FH3 even when people would hit me to kill my drift streak. I’d still win races or finish podium WHILE drifting during the race. So yes, i’d beat those who didnt finish and just stayed in last racking up points. FH4 would be a great game if we had a combined score system of skill points and finishing position.
I’m guessing that you are referring to the ghosted starts, anti-wall riding and high speed crash detection update from a while ago. It isn’t perfect but these were massive improvements that did change the way people behave in ranked racing. People can game the system and it doesn’t catch everything, but the racing is cleaner than it was. It’s definitely way better than losing to wall riders or being taken out by players who “forget” the brake pedal in the first corner.
I’m not sure there were a lot of complaints about the old system. PG like Turn 10 with Forza 7 decided to do it their way with apparently not enough thought as to how the changes would be received. Horizon Online adventure didn’t need to change. It was the PI system that needed to change. I liked the old way. There could have been separate race or points type adventures. That would have solved it. Points in this type of adventure or race position in the other type. I would rather have seen something like that happen. Just like now you can do drift adventure. Do you get skill points other than for drifting in drift adventure? I never tried it. I was never concerned about points really just race position. I enjoyed the drive to’s and doing 4 events. This whole freeroam rush debacle was PG’s doing. Honestly I would rather just divide everything multiplayer into a hopper system so I can do what I want when I want. This system takes so long to load anything. Screen after screen between races and long load times is all they have accomplished.
I only raced to win in all previous Horizon games but I played fair. If someone had the inside line and I had no way around them unless I hit them hard I would just stay behind running my line. That’s the fun in racing. Being bumper to bumper and NOT hitting each other but making the other person hold you off or vice versa. That kind of racing is sorely missed by me.
Everything about 4 takes too long. From loading the car menu to getting out of the garage to getting in a MP race. It’s so slow and once you’re in a race it’s not fun racing anymore.
I think the current system is better than FH3. Also the current implementation of online racing in FH4 and the game overall is in a much better state than it was on release, which is commendable.
FH4 start mp was full garbage, all done is just plaster on the injury. Ramming is far from gone in FH4 but that is not for me the most issue. There was a tentative in update 11 to kill ramming but having all the player levels mixed in same races, they preferred to ease it, like removing most of it, so that garbage players could play/win
End of the day, the most issue, up to me, is there is nothing in FH4 that gives more value to clean racing than garbage racing.
Comparing to FH3, it’s just a different game.
Best FH4 players uses rocket launch or OP car to get in the first positions while no coll then is blocking or ramming anyone close.
Best FH3 players are able to pass other players without a hit from start to the end of the race without any no collision 26 sec, without any collision detection management …
Drifting in the back to win was so easy to fix as giving less points to drifting and more points to clean pass.