Audio - downshifting auto-blip sounds weird on supercars and cars with drivetrain upgrades (1770765)

You will notice this in any high-powered cars in the game or road cars when they are upgraded with drivetrain parts:

The downshifting revs (auto-throttle blip) go all the way to redline when downshifting. This is weird behaviour. I’m using controller with normal manual. IRL, drivers only blip the throttle - called “heel-toe” on old cars and in new cars the throttle will auto-blip itself on downshifts. The result is a beautiful sound of the revs rising to match the engine and transmission speed. So, the revs rise only a little not how it is modelled in the game where they redline on downshifts, no matter what RPM you downshift at. Make sense?

Why is the auto-blip behaviour so weird on upgraded cars and the more powerful supercars and road cars in the game?

The revs should not be going this high on downshifts/auto-blip. It sounds funny too, like the transmissions is whinning and howling in protest!

Please rectify, thank you

It’s not a car specific issue, but rather a physics and sound issue in the game.

This is not just weird, it’s actually a big problem in endurance races. The cover car of the game the V Series R LMH car, gets engine damage whenever you downshift and therefore has a artificial disadvantage. I’m of course not 100% sure if that problem is only due to the auto-blip, but I’m very sure it’s a big contributor.
But also the downshift’s are even weirder sometimes, it can happen that when you downshift, the clutch is released before the auto-blip is finished, which then can lead to the cars wheels accelerating without active throttle input. This is, in my experience, mostly an issue in lower PI classes (eg. A, B, C), but not exclusive to them.
It’s quite strange having to talk about such absolute basic issues like that, that where never an significant issue in the Forza Series before. I wonder if this issue arose with the introduction of the higher fidelity physics model. Considering that the simulation has to process a lot more data, 48x more as they say, maybe the “non-from the ground up” build parts of the game have struggles handling that. The physics feel quite a bit more direct and connected, while auto-blip seems to not have made any progress.
Let’s hope they fix it soon and therefore make the cars behave more predictable and stable.


Please vote here: Gameplay - Shifting Causing Engine Damage in Manual or Manual W/ Clutch modes

All I can say is that this is a car specific issue, because not all cars have this issue. Also not all cars rev straight to the redline, but only have 500 or 1000 RPMs too much throttle auto-blip (you can check the topic I linked above).

I don’t use drivetrain upgrades very often, so I don’t know if they have any influence. However the restrictor plates seem to affect this too (see last post of linked topic)



The more upgrades or the more advanced the drivetrain (supercars, exotics, etc.), the higher the redlining on downshifts. It’s so odd - I wish bugs like these weren’t even in the game. Hate the inconsistencies between their games.


A good example of this btw is the Carrera GT with almost an abnormal sounding downshift where the driver redlines on every downshift rather than just “blip” the throttle to rev match.

Same problem with many other cars including the Skyline V-spec II and many others that I’ve experienced over the last few months. It was an issue in FM 7 too - the original Aventador e.g. - sorry I forget which year it’s from.

I rented a Carrera GT, but the downshifts were normal for me. Does the stock car have this issue? Should I apply some upgrades to reproduce this?

Are you playing the game on a wheel and pedals with a manual shifter?

No, I don’t have a wheel. I’m playing on controller.

Are you using normal manual or manual with clutch?

the carrera gt downshift sounds like dogs barking lol

Manual with clutch.

Well I did not see this issue myself, since I’m always using m/c, but I got tip for you, just upgrade transmission to race, and keep stock clutch and flywheel, also use manual+ clutch (with race transmission u don’t have to use clutch at all, unless u want to use reverse). That will also make u lot faster.

Then it won’t affect you. It happens only with normal manual because the game is auto blipping the throttle for you on downshifts… And that’s where the problem is. It’s abnormal… The driver redlines the RPM instead of just blipping it to induce engine braking and rev matching.

I’ve tried that. Still there. I don’t want to use manual with clutch but rather have the Devs resolve this. It’s unbearable and makes me want to not downshift for fear of breaking the engine or damaging the transmission. Real drivers never downshift like this. It’s just a blip of the throttle to rev match, not floor the throttle on downshifts to hit redline!

Please investigate @JetPartySalad

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But the throttle auto-blip is also done when using manual with clutch and I’ve also tried switching to manual without clutch and it didn’t change anything so there must be something else causing this.

I’ve bought the Carrera GT and upgraded it from S 750 to R 898. Stock there was no issue, but now the engine revs approximately 1000 RPMs too high on the downshifts.

It does the “abnormal” downshifting either way, whether stock or modded. The thing with manual with clutch or wheel and pedals + shifter is that the game expects you to manually blip, in which case everything is fine.

But when the game has to handle auto blip during normal manual downshifting, that’s when things start to sound “abnormal” for many cars. I believe this is an after effect of not recording the actual car’s downshifting sound and instead using software to “simulate” downshifting behaviour.

i just tested it on carrera gt, it does indeed have this veird behaviour of bliping up to rev limit, BUT IT DOES NOT DAMAGE YOUR GEARBOX OR ENGINE, as long as u don’t downshift way too early. If u have max rpm on current gear, and downshift then ofc u will destroy your engine.

And if im not wrong… thats how u drive Carrera GT irl anyway.

This video doesn’t help sorry. The downshifting behaviour is wrong in the stick shifting cars and shouldn’t be modelled like this for normal manual on controller. Only certain cars show this issue and you will most certainly never find it in cars with paddle shifters.

I can finally agree with you on that, but that’s only true if you’re using manual. Manual with clutch behaves like I described in my previous post, which means that it’s not only depending on the car, but also on the shifting assists:

2003 Porsche Carrera GT Automatic Manual Manual with clutch
Stock (S 750) +~3000 RPM +3000 RPM OK
R 898 +~3000 RPM +3000 RPM +1000 RPM

For automatic it is a little bit hard to say, but I think it is the same as manual.