Auctioning cars

Hello guys :smiley:
I have a question about auctioning cars, i have some cars i never use like old models of Ferrari and so on.
So my question is which car models do you think can sell on the auction house i have a car model named Eagle it has the maximum buy out price, do you think that could sell.
Or do you have other suggestions i am mot a hardcore collector so i can part from some cars i just don’t know which ones sell and which don’t.:smiley:
As always i’m very greatful fir any pointers😃
Kind regards

All rare cars sell pretty fast, either from humans or the bots :blush: but just how much you can sell a car for, press the auction car option. Its prob the fastest way to see how much you can sell it for

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It’s not rocket science to find out which car will sell well. Just search the respective car in the auction house. If there are none or just a few, chances are high that it will sell for the max buy out price. If there are quite a lot on offer, wait a few minutes and observe for which prices they sell…
Sure that takes a moment and is not very convenient. Or do you really expect that somebody on this forum does the work for you, tells you which old Ferrari sells well, and how well the Eagle does…? :wink:

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No nt at all i will do the work :smiley:
I just meant if anyone has sol a spesific car and know how much it can go for those kind of tips.
But i took and looked at alot of different cars on the AH and tried to figure out how to sell specific cars😃
Have a great day everyone
Kind regards

What cars sell for varies depending on how populated they are vs demand. If they just gave a bunch out in the playlist they might not sell for the minimum. Wait a month or two and they will probably sell.

A couple of things I would add…

I would suggest that you edit the minimum bid to the least you want for the car.

Also check how the car is available by selecting it in the car collection screen. Some that are not in the autoshow may be hard to replace if you want it back later.

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Thx mate much appreciated :smiley:
Kind regards

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What I don’t understand is why some people bid on so many of the same car.
It happens all the time.

For example today, the Lola is being dumped as so many will have got another from the seasonal but there’s one guy with bids on 30 - 40 of them. What’s he going to do with them when their max buyout is a quarter of the cars actual value ? And it’s in the AS anyway. All he can do is gift, dump or try to resell but you lose a fortune in fees in the AH.
I don’t get it. Sure, bid on one or two just in case you lose out but 40 !!! Why ?

I do, ocassionally, for a very specific car. It is usually the mk6 VW GTI (closest thing to a mk5). I paint them in the factory colors, then in customized colors. I tune a few of them as well. I may also purchase large quantities of the other, earlier GTIs for the same reason.