Auction House in FM7

Turn10 doesn’t even know.

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I was giving them the benefit of the doubt… or are they the gaming equivalent of Jon Snow?

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i hope they will open it soon, was cleaning my garage by the useless cars i had to use in the driver cup and some of them dont have the " resell " option but just the remove, so i hope i can resell them in the auction house…

ah but if you sell them your collector’s score will go down… then there’s the 500 car gold (30 points) and 700 car platinum (50 points) collector achievements… Yes really

already did and the score is the same … is not dropped! about these achievements i dont really care!! i always collected the car the I like in my garage since forza1, i’ve finished all the drivers cup days ago so… free space ( and memory ) by the cars i dont care about…


Ah well at least they don’t drop your collector’s tier if you sell them, so that’s something :0) tbh I’m not bothered too much about the achievements either, but there are a lot of people who are, and 700 cars is a LOT of cars for anyone to collect.

If you didn’t pay for it you cant get money for it

well, see in this way: by selling in the game the cars i dont care about i had around 8 milion CR back :wink: so i can use them for buying what i like

I only want to sell over half of my cars because scrolling the menu has gotten intolerably slow with 700+! I’d love to keep them, but if the patch doesn’t sort it, they’re gone! Now I know selling doesn’t drop my collector score, it’s all good.

Hopefully this is like the fm4 auction house. If it isn’t I won’t buy the game… fh3 will be the latest forza game I buy. Also the storefront, where you can put a maximum downloads on a paint job etc. That would be nice too.

Hey all, hope you’ve had a good day.
Out of personal curiosity, what changes would you like to see come in Forza Motorsport 7’s implementation of the auction house compared to Forza Horizon 3?
Were you fine with the elite painters and tuners being able to price gouge every Forzathon car that would become hard to find after a couple of weeks? With that said, I understand the hard work and time these painters and tuners put into the game.
Would you like to have the auction house from FH3 remain the same when it comes to FM7?
I personally did not see why some people were set on getting up to 999,999,999 credits when there really wasn’t anything to buy after you’ve bought every single car, possibly to sell credits on eBay?
One thing I did not like about FH3’s auction house was that upgrades would make your car more expensive. This would result in you not being able to find the super expensive cars, like the $5,000,000+ cars, for cheaper. Actually, you’d find more expensive cars in the auction house than in the marketplace.

When are the Auction House and other areas that are “coming soon” actually coming to FM7?


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lol, thanks!!

Anytime my friend. I actually would prefer they wait until they solve the issues because if the AH functions the way 1/2 the game does currently then there will be a riot on here. Same with Forzathon I doubt I will be able to enter them or if it is 4 tasks it will take me 12 attempts.

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