Are there any windshield wipers?

Seriously, is there any?

The rain on the windshield is done beautifully from a graphical stand point but driving in the rain at night really sucked.

Yep, there are. Wipers seems to work on every vehicle

Hmmm, I was using hood view, which means I shouldn’t even have the rain on the windshield effect.

Wiper must only work then in the cockpit view? Will have to check this one out, thanks!

Yes the wipers only show in cockpit view.

I always use the view from behind. And the rain is one of the things that I never really liked. Since I’m not looking from inside I wouldn’t expect water on the screen. But it still is. But that does seem to be normal for the car games.

It would be exploit to evade raindrops affecting cockpit view by switching to external/hood camera. So it has to influence also external views. And if You think about external camera as a physical object, it still makes sense :slight_smile:


Then it must already be an exploit to use views other than the cockpit, as the worst obstruction to visibility in cockpit view is rarely the rain.

I guess the water hitting the screen is just trying to emulate a camera following the car or a camera mounted to the front of the car.
It does limits the visibility a bit which is realistic in heavy rain.


Agree, I think the effect should stay as it is right now, the visibility should be lower in a rain-night combination

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Of course visibility should be less, but I’m not trying to play race car camera man simulator it’s obnoxious that there wouldn’t be a wipe effect in hood or rear view. I use dashboard but I like the hood view as well. It’s not the kind if visibility difference a car experiences…

Driving simulator… I want the visibility impairment just give me wiper effect on other camera views this is ludicrous. There will never be a moment where anyone takes a rainy night drive in which their wipers wouldn’t help with visibility other than if the vehicles wipers where broken.

C’mon MS this is a really bad implementation of the concept of simulating changing visibility conditions…

Hopefully they will come out with a Rain-X DLC for $2.99 so that I can apply that to the external view camera lenses!


That is hilarious!

Technically speaking, at the speeds we travel in the game, water should hardly be on the windshields or cameras.

Drive over 60MPH in the rain…unless it’s a Monsoon, I mean, C’mon!!!

Hahah, it was, yeah!

On a serious note, the water needs to dissipate quickly at higher speeds. It should be trickling away to the corners of the screen which should increase visibility the faster you go. If not, we ought to get an option to turn it off. I do not use cockpit view most of the time, and it can get really really annoying trying to focus at night with the rain.

I love the rain effects too and like how the camera gets hogged with rain drops in the external views, although it can get annoying sometimes.

What I don’t like too much is that wipers move intermittently for some reason. Why can’t they just stay on and move at their regular/default speed?

Yes, there are, and they’re modeled exactly after how they are in the cars that have them. Which can be very annoying in some cars, indeed!

Now, I believe Forza Horizon requires manually operated wipers, headlights and signal lights, but there simply isn’t enough room in the controller for all of those commands. I understand it’s a very valid request, but it’s not feasible.

In fact, I think even the Elite controller does not have enough buttons for that…

The Elite doesn’t have any extra buttons. The extra buttons it does have, the paddles underneath the controller, are the same buttons as the ABXY buttons on the top, but are there for easier access.

They aren’t any different or anything actually extra like the C and Z buttons on the Sega controllers of old

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