Anyone playing on a Thrustmaster TX wheel? Please share your settings

See topic title.

Thanks for your time :slight_smile:

What degrees are you using? My other question is that are you having feedback issues? From there I might can assist in fixing your problem.

On the Wheel: Sensivity 1 Flash (default), make sure to press both pedals three times to full extend on the dashboard, to calibrate them in advance. After that, you load up the Game.

I also updated my TX to the latest firmware V50.9b on the PC. In the Thrustmaster Control-Panel you also need to make a few adjustments, these will be saved directly to the wheel. The Rotation-Angle should read 900 Degrees, leave it that way. Set FFB from 75% (default) up to 100%, set Spring, Damper and Auto-Center to 0%. Forza 6 seems to have a Problem with the Auto-Center default setting (letting the Game center the Wheel).

Ingame: Vibration On, All Deadzones 0/100, Vibration-Scale 60, FFB-Scale 65, Rotation 900.

Lower the Rotation-Angle down to 540 for GT-Cars and even lower between 270 and 360 for the Open-Wheel-Class like Formula 1 Cars.
If you’re experiencing the “left-pull-bug” make sure to turn Vibration Off completely. It works fine for me since setting Auto-Center to 0% in the Thrustmaster Control-Panel.

I’ve now settled to 270 Degrees (lowest), no matter the car, in Forza 6 as it translates 1:1. Be aware that Forza Horizon 2 will take over DOR Settings from Forza Motorsport 6 as it overrides the Wheelbase-Setting. So if you start Horizon 2 directly after Forza Motorsport 6 go to Control-Settings and change the Degree of Rotation back again.


Nevermind, try the above settings. Feel free to post back if you still have problems. I would go 540 or lower because that’s what the game only supports up to sadly. I may be wrong because I heard rumors that the new Tx wheel base fixes that issue.

Thanks for the reply’s :slight_smile:

I was running 900 degrees, but it does not feel the same as in Horizon 2.

Maybe that will be updated?