Anyone else have terrible graphics on Series S?

Playing on Xbox Series S here, and the game is just blurry, the AA is trash, and depth of field is also pretty bad. It’s nearly unplayable.

Are there any settings to be altered, or was the game just shipped in this state and it’s what it is?


I’m playing away on my S and I’m not one to be that fussy on graphics.

But I would say the quality of the cars rendered look dated and their contact with the road is unconvincing when shown. It’s a climb down on how vehicles are rendered in the intro/outro screens. Additionally vinyls are often a pixelated eyesore, which is another big drag.


That’s the thing, I’m not fussy on graphics either, but it’s really bad. Like Forza 1 or 2 level bad. I can’t even tell if the textures and lighting are good or not because it’s so jagged and blurry.

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Check in the advanced graphics settings tab something about dynamic resolution/render resolution. Some presets might not render the game resolution at 100 % thats why its “dynamic” i suppose and causing the blurry graphics. Also the game is using TAA and it can’t be turned off. From what ive seen Anisotropic filtering on the consoles is set at 2X which affects the textures. No idea if it can be changed. But it shouldn’t cause performance issues.

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I guess I am not the only one then. I mean Xbox series S is still their last generation console and the whole thing just seems unoptimized for the platform. I just watched a clip from the game running on a PC and I was like wow!
Are they going to address this? Still in early access thus fingers crossed. If not GT is prolly the best option with PS5.

it’s even worse on power pc.

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