Is there any word on whether FH4 will require gold? Mine expires in August and while I probably re up at some point, the thought of ownership and use of a game being tied to the gold service wouldn’t be good.
I’m talking abut being able to enter the game and play at all. Does the base game require gold? I would most likely be buying a physical copy and spending 99% of my time solo.
Ok good. I’m hearing rumors that Fallout 76 will require it so it’s good to know Forza isn’t so heavy handed. You don’t even need it with Elite Dangerous.
There’s a difference between xbox live and having xbox live gold
Isnt fallout 76 just required to be online…you dont need gold to be online
Same as The Crew…always online…dont need gold though
But its been stated a few times in different threads that you can play offline by yourself with drivatars
From what I hear you will at least need internet and the basic Xbox Live. Both Horizon 4 and Fallout 76 haven’t elaborated much on this and whether you will need Gold on top of the basic connection to the service.
It is confirmed that FH4 can be played in offline mode just like previous titles, So gold won’t be needed there. As for the basic Shared world aspect, I don’t think there is any official world on that.
I’m just wondering what part of ‘offline’ makes anyone think gold would be required.
The game works solo, and I’m sure like every other get, you don’t even need to be connected to the internet to play. You just wouldn’t have rewards tracked or get updates if you played off the grid.
So you will need gold in order to play online on the Xbox. PC does not require you to have a gold membership. However, you wont be experiencing any “maniacs smashing everyone off the road” as everyone is ghosted. If you group up in a convoy, do any pvp races, and the like, you wont be ghosted. Just driving around online will not result in you being crashed into or rammed off the road.
That is correct. You need Gold in order to play with others on line (XBOX) as this is considered “multiplayer”. However you can play the game completely offline if you prefer. You can also participate in Multiplayer activities if anyone on your xbox as gold already, or if you are playing on PC. PC Players do not need gold in order to play Multiplayer but you do need an internet connection. (SHARED-OPEN WORLD)
I don’t believe that is true but as have had Gold for over 10 years is a question I would not have a problem with But I have looked at several game requirements that are online open world and only a couple of them stated Xbox Gold Required to play, the rest just said Internet connection and signed in to your Microsoft account no mention of gold at all or Xbox Live at all.
And to be honest I think taking a game that has been playable in offline mode for over10 years and making it a mainly ONLINE Game just sucks. Some how They managed to get it backwards what was wrong with the current format where you can select to go in to Online Mode via Free Roam Or CO-OP .
Why do Game designer think we all what to be playing On Line all the time
And a suggestion Put the exact requirements in the Game Description for Xbox and For PC. The words Requires a internet connection just don’t cut it if the game requires gold to get the most out of it.
and just how much content will require Gold to complete???
It depends on what exactly is meant by “online open world”. Dark Souls is technically an “online open world”, but only in the sense that you can read messages other players have left in the world. If you want the multiplayer features (like someone else joining your game and helping or raiding you), you must have an Xbox Live Gold account. Same with games like NFS Rivals, which is an open world with leaderboards and challenges set by other players, but you don’t actively race against other players in real time, just ghosts and time trials.
Games like Titanfall (the original), Star Wars Battlefront (2015) and Fallout 76 can only be played in a PvP setting, meaning the game will technically boot up and start, but they alert you that a Gold membership is required to actually enter the game and play,
TLDR: DarkraiSpeed is correct. If you interact directly with players, that requires Xbox Live Gold.
This is exactly why Turn10 came up with the Drivatar system. Its goal was to simulate the behavior of real drivers so that your experience offline would mimic real multiplayer as much as possible. Whether the system itself is successful is another debate (a long and ardusous debate lol)
Not good news as I believe there are ForzaThon events that multiple players to complete running Hourly some times Now how do People who don’t have gold get to do all ForzaThon. Is no skin of my nose as I have had Gold for well over 10 years and do not pay for it but many do pony up the cash for it and others can not afford to pay for it. A lot of this game is designed for a Internet connection to get the most out of it this decision may well result in a loss of sales,
Are there any collectible assets (cars, apparel, emotes, car horns, etc) that will only be available via online/Gold?
Do Photo/Livery contest rewards and any potential gifts (such as cars or apparel given out around holidays in the past) received from Turn 10 via Message Center require Gold?