there are many small problems which I already read about, but I have two main problems that really destroy the game for me:
Sound Problem: While racing, mainly the engine sound starts to stutter and it´s getting worse the longer I play. Especialy when there are many sound effects at the same time (like other cars, confetti
canons, etc.). Sometimes I can barely hear anything, and playing while not hearing rpm properly is almost impossible and sure no fun.
First thought it´s a controller/headset problem, but tv sound is also affected. All other games sound great. -
Game crashing to Dashboard: Other games do this too, but not that often. It never happend while racing, but I think when loading new stuff, for example when browsing through the car selection or
tuning/painting menues, and also in multiplayer mode. On PC there seems to be a memory leak, maybe on Xbox too? -
Several other issues in forzavista (no function on “buttons” on the car, no car data, double hoods, missing rims on the hoonicorn), way too dark braking lights, where is test drive mode (with all airfield versions) etc., but I think they are already known.