AMC Pacer?

Will this car be back in another Forzathon later? I simply can’t achieve 100% because I don’t have it and as it was a Forzathon prize it kinda buggers me off having only 98%…

Based on previous #Forzathon patterns, I would not be surprised if it shows up in a future challenge. Gotta just keep checking in.

The question is does it show up as a barn find or the car itself? It doesn’t really make sense to have it show up as a barn find again.

Would have to disagree with that, since it was done before the release of HW and no one who has bought the game since then can get that barn find, Forza will most likely add it as a normal barn find sooner or later. Same would go for the other barn find all those new to the game can not get. Both will most likely be made in to a standard barn find rumor after so much progress has been made.

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I would suspect based on the delivery mechanism it would still be a Barn Find Rumor and also based on previous ‘unlock’ type rewards (i.e. Horns), if you already have it I doubt it will show up again.

Barn Find cars aren’t gifted and the way they are designed (unable to delete) means they must be unique per account.

Have you checked the Auction house?

That won’t get him to 100%, because it wasn’t ‘found.’