Go into Horizon Promo and to AMC.
There you will find it.
It’s the new barn find innit mate ? There’s a spot in the Barn Find Tab but so far no call from Warren
Its a forzathon reward that’s why.
Aye mate thanks ! Can’t wait to drive that wee bugger
How does that work…?!? …will the location stay locked until forzathon?!?
Of course. They would be burying my favourite car in a Forzathon. Probably a PvP one, too, which will leave me trying to scratch one up at auction or something. Expletives.
If this ends up being a barn find, you guys suck at spoiler alerts lol
If this ends up being a barn find, you guys suck at spoiler alerts lol
Not really, considering the title of the Forzathon to unlock it spoils it…
If this ends up being a barn find, you guys suck at spoiler alerts lol
Since the event is called “Pace Yourself” and it has to be done in an AMC car, it isn’t exactly a secret what the barn find is. You’d have to be pretty thick to not figure it out.
I think you only have to do an offline race in an AMC to get it I think.
I think this is the future Forzathon barn’s find indeed, since it asks to play an AMC car to unveil it.
OP should put that in a Spoiler Alert thread.
Its not going to be unlock able until the Forzathon in the first weekend of April.
It’ll be a barn find but we’ll only be able to get it next month:
“April 7th-10th
#Forzathon Pace Yourself
Complete a Race in an AMC car to receive a Barn Find Rumor”
That’s a rather odd way to do things imo.
If I dont play the game in these days I’ll never be able to have all barns discovered.

It’ll be a barn find but we’ll only be able to get it next month:
“April 7th-10th
#Forzathon Pace Yourself
Complete a Race in an AMC car to receive a Barn Find Rumor”That’s a rather odd way to do things imo.
If I dont play the game in these days I’ll never be able to have all barns discovered.
Then uh? I guess you’ll have to win a race in an AMC between April 7th-10th then or something. A race that only really takes 5 minutes. Can you really not do that?

It’ll be a barn find but we’ll only be able to get it next month:
“April 7th-10th
#Forzathon Pace Yourself
Complete a Race in an AMC car to receive a Barn Find Rumor”That’s a rather odd way to do things imo.
If I dont play the game in these days I’ll never be able to have all barns discovered.Then uh? I guess you’ll have to win a race in an AMC between April 7th-10th then or something. A race that only really takes 5 minutes. Can you really not do that?
Complete, not win. Even easier.

It’ll be a barn find but we’ll only be able to get it next month:
“April 7th-10th
#Forzathon Pace Yourself
Complete a Race in an AMC car to receive a Barn Find Rumor”That’s a rather odd way to do things imo.
If I dont play the game in these days I’ll never be able to have all barns discovered.Then uh? I guess you’ll have to win a race in an AMC between April 7th-10th then or something. A race that only really takes 5 minutes. Can you really not do that?
Complete, not win. Even easier.
Guess you all don’t have jobs or are productive members of society then
It’ll be a barn find but we’ll only be able to get it next month:
“April 7th-10th
#Forzathon Pace Yourself
Complete a Race in an AMC car to receive a Barn Find Rumor”That’s a rather odd way to do things imo.
If I dont play the game in these days I’ll never be able to have all barns discovered.Then uh? I guess you’ll have to win a race in an AMC between April 7th-10th then or something. A race that only really takes 5 minutes. Can you really not do that?
Complete, not win. Even easier.
Guess you all don’t have jobs or are productive members of society then
Says the guy digging up a two month old thread to post a non-productive comment.
FYI, most of us have full times jobs and/or families.
Not a good way to start your tenure here on the forums.
It’ll be a barn find but we’ll only be able to get it next month:
“April 7th-10th
#Forzathon Pace Yourself
Complete a Race in an AMC car to receive a Barn Find Rumor”That’s a rather odd way to do things imo.
If I dont play the game in these days I’ll never be able to have all barns discovered.Then uh? I guess you’ll have to win a race in an AMC between April 7th-10th then or something. A race that only really takes 5 minutes. Can you really not do that?
Complete, not win. Even easier.
Guess you all don’t have jobs or are productive members of society then
Weird. I get 50+ hours a week at my current job yet I still have time to hop on Forza anytime I want. It’s almost like, I know how to manage my time?
Guess you all don’t have jobs or are productive members of society then
lol Salty much? You realize that 9/10 “productive members of society” with “jobs” either dont work or they work much less on the weekend right? Heck they even give you Friday and Monday to see if you can get it?

It’ll be a barn find but we’ll only be able to get it next month:
“April 7th-10th
#Forzathon Pace Yourself
Complete a Race in an AMC car to receive a Barn Find Rumor”That’s a rather odd way to do things imo.
If I dont play the game in these days I’ll never be able to have all barns discovered.Then uh? I guess you’ll have to win a race in an AMC between April 7th-10th then or something. A race that only really takes 5 minutes. Can you really not do that?
I’ll paste my thought on this from another thread.
“I wish this barn find was for the update for everyone, rather than limited to only those who can get it during the Forzathon weekend. Had it just been a vehicle itself, it wouldn’t be too bad, but if someone doesn’t manage to get it during said weekend, they’re always going to have an empty slot on the barn finds list glaring at them.”
Should someone be away from the game, and unable to complete this objective, no matter how simple it may be, they’re going to have that empty slot on the barn finds list.