All First Party Xbox Games, including the Upcoming Motorsport Game, Will Cost $70 Starting in 2023

Can’t say I’m thrilled. Hopefully special editions will stay at $100. Otherwise, I’m waiting for a sale.

Yeah this sucks, but Game Pass does indeed soften the blow. If I am to buy these games anyway it will be during a dirt cheap sale.


With inflation in europe and us at 10% I don’t blame them.

Many, many hours of joy and exitement.

How many feature films on BD do you get for that money - one or two for two hours lasting?
You will be able to go to cinema for less and watch once.

I think games are cheap TBH…


Meh, 70 euro to play on Xbox and pc? Bargain still imo

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Definitely waiting for a sale to get the upcoming FM. There is no reason that games increased to $70, especially in this day and age. Everything seems to need a day one patch, and some games takes months just to get to a playable state. Sorry, the industry needs to show that they can make a game that is working upon release day, and then we can talk about any price increases.