Accolades - Seasonal Streak/Publicity Stunt/Series Business - Require DLC to complete

These three accolades are bugged for me on steam. I spoke with Agent Hypnos who said devs are aware of the bugs but I don’t see them listed anywhere under “Known Issues”.

Here is video of the bug with proof.

Bumping this because I’m in the same boat.

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Jumping on this too, players shouldn’t be forced to buy two whole expansions in order to be able to get these accolades, which are not completely tied to these expansions (For context, the “Seasonal streak” and “Publicity stunt” accolades were available to get with the base game, up until the DLCs were introduced and the seasonal events for the respective DLCs were now considered part of these accolades, even though they weren’t before nor they are affiliated with said DLCs).

Hopefully PGG can solve this