A question on license plates

So, with the customisable license plates, can you have individual license plates for each car, say I want to replicate my RL car and use the plate from that, while keeping my chosen plate on the other cars, would that be possible?

I would think so. I plan on having “THE WORD” on my the license plates of my Trans Ams, so I’ll be a little annoyed if that’s not the case.

I do hope so, along with having my RL plate on the back of the 6th Gen Celica, I’ll be having “BAN-ONE” on the back of my T/A if possible.

From what I understand it’s the same plate on every car you own

Well that sucks. I think I read that it was possible to remove the plates from cars, so looks like it’s back to decals for the cars you want other plates on…

Agreed, if they’re gonna do license plates better fully support custom plates instead of only one for every car. Job half done.

Maybe a choice would be best then because I personally don’t want to do 350 licence plates, 1 time is enough for me.


I think you can save multiple designsn but use only one at a time. So that would work.