Just a question, what are your favourite licence plates you’ve seen throughout the game, in online and singleplayer?
I run a 2FAST4U plate, not original but it is my go to in games with plates. Was also my plate in Midnight Club LA
Since I joined The PWN Shop© club a few days ago, I changed my plate to G3TPWN3D to represent my club (not sure if it’s original). Fortunately, the language filter didn’t block it. I really don’t pay much attention to plates used by other players/drivatars.
This is mine.
I like license plates, especially those with four edges.
I had one that was “DE 51 RED” on a UK plate. Looked pretty good.
Saw one that just said “Bum Bum”. Made me laugh like a child.
Would love to be able to turn off the in game ones to use my own.
I feel FH4 or in a future update of FH3 there should ne some way to have different plate designs, sort of like GTA V; but you could have GB plates, American plates etc.
You can turn off the plates and make your own in the livery editor.
One of me mates has the classic “U WOT M8” plate. It’s pretty funny
Here’s me former plate :
An homage to GOB Bluth in Arrested Development
My favorite is my own…SWERVONEM or SWRVONEM. Can’t remember if I had the first E.
There is a limit of 8 characters on license plates, so it would have to be the latter.
and of course
Red Rotor (on a red RX7)
My fav is my own also…I run same tag in game as on my Mustang GT convertible in real life…‘EVERCOOL’ Which is a nick name a former band mate gave me back about in the 80’s! lol…
I have run mulitple but I have a couple of favorites that my two best friends have made.
Mine, at the Moment. is CHKNGT (Chicken Nugget). It used to be Penoose, and then before Penoose I had 'DZNTZ32", Deez Nutz 32.
My friend Peter, (Forzaracer149) used to have one in the beginning that said “NT A UFO” (Not a UFO), now he has a backwards version of an obsenity, and he may have changed it.
Friend named John (Epicbossness107), His at the moment is “TAKEPICS”, used to be “WIDEBUTY” (Wide Booty) and I don’t know about others.
My plate is OLKNTCKY, because I love the episode “Kentucky Nightmare” of Space Ghost Coast to Coast.
I tend to try and work anything Space Ghost into anything I do.