Let me start off by saying that Forza Horizon 4 is a GREAT game BUT it feels so half baked, so unpolished, so rushed! I have no quarrels with the single player - I think single player is great don’t get me wrong, but please, for the love of god, when are we going to get some answers about multiplayer? For weeks the community has been asking for revisions to multiplayer and for 2 months we haven’t heard a single thing. All I want is some communication from the dev team. Are you guys going to do something about Freeroam Rush??? When will ranked search times be improved??? What happened to D, C and B class races??? Where is SOLO adventure mode???
As for the little QOL improvements you guys made such as skippable post-race animations and the ability to quit after an adventure I thank you for that. But it feels like multiplayer was a second thought with more effort put into the drivatars and the silly dances than the actual racing. A simple post every often detailing exactly what’s being worked on or what’s being looked at would go a long way you know. Anything that tells the community you’re actually listening to feedback. If this is how you treat your i.p, Turn 10/Playground Games, than you can count me out for Forza Horizon 5.