People need to unlock all perks; at least that takes away the majority voting for a lot of “noobs” out there. I wanna bet a lot of people complaining about just getting S2 or just OffRoad online, haven’t got the double vote perk (on the One) yet and are thus in bad luck when a clan of 4 people gives 8 votes to S2 Offroad
When everyone has that perk, no one has that perk.
Once you play a little bit, you will unlock all the perks anyways. The people that spend their time online more than solo will tend to go for the online perks at the beginning so I don’t see the perk itself as a problem.
Personally, I’m not a huge fan of that perk it seems pointless. With 25 perks available, and every player being able to unlock all of them with relative ease, what’s the “perk” in it, it could just be unlocked right away.
I don’t think I’ve played enough online to see all of this, but couldn’t people just find another lobby? Or play with a friends and like minded racers?
Don’t get me wrong, I don’t mind the occasional set of drags, as long as we do a different class each heat, there’s just so much more to do. Cars have steering wheels and brake pedals and all kinds of bits that do things, we don’t even have to go in a straight line
But THERE is the problem. A lot of drivers grew up in cities/countries where they only know 6-lane highways, use the throttle digitally instead of analogue and the next town is 120 miles away straight down the highway.
Maybe we need several version of the game; with accurate traffic & infrastructure according to the region the game is sold in. Endless traffic-jams around Tokyo, 3000 miles of motorway for North America and the fun & twisty roads for Southern Europe.
I prefer the lower classes too. Keeping your momentum up in those lower classes is key to winning and it makes for more interesting races than just floor it and point it.
Z-minus Class, featuring: a golf kart, a motorized skateboard, a lawn tractor, the Peel P50, and a clone of Usain Bolt. Also a new championship, called “Wait, What?”
I think it’s just as fun, if not moreso, to drive any class other than S2 or above. I even have fun in D class. It takes skill to drive quickly in lower classes, to carry momentum and maintain the speed. One screwy gear shift could set you back quite a bit.
Of course, the same could be said for S2, S1, or X class, but I wish people would see the same potential in cars not too far from their stock class. But, everybody plays how they want, and that’s great. As long as everyone is having a good time I don’t really care. I’m not much of a drag racing fan either, but I’ll participate. I just never really got the appeal of driving a car in a straight line with the accelerator floored for ten seconds.
The first time I went online I was in a C class 1974 Toyota Celica and was quick to find out that most folks seem to be upgrading their cars to the sheer limit.
Hence why I only do private road trips with my mates now. We’ve had more fun playing King in D-class cars (I was in a stock Rabbit GTI and he was in a stock Capri RS) than we’ve ever had dragging down the runway.
Why are there so few who like to race in the lower car classes at Showdown races online?
The majority seems to prefer to run over powered monsters that most of them can barely handle, but I’ll not complain, for the vast majority of them never catch up me driving my D - C Class cars anyway, but it starts to get boring winning every race., and i’m not that good.
I still hope to find some Showdown races with cars between D and C class only in the future when most people are tired of the X-999 and realize that it’s actually much more fun and closer racing in the other end of the PI scale !
I definitely agree!! Seems that every online road trip I get into just races S2 and most of them are not even proper s2 cars!
That being said I would love to see a voting system implemented that not only chose the class (B, A, S1 etc…) but also picked a subclass within that class (super car, saloon, sport etc…) that way you got a ton of variety and a good even playing field not just 10 vw vans set to S2.
The game allows you to rent cars in classes you don’t have you just don’t get as much xp or money. Or they could add hoppers much like Motorsport 5. Don’t think they will or should go to that just thinking out loud.
I don’t get the obsession with S2 and making every single car S2 or X. I browse tuning setups and 80% of them are S1, S2, or X, no matter what car it is. Personally, I try to keep everything in its native class. If I take a Beetle and upgrade it to S2, there’s nothing Beetle left in it besides its basic shape.
I couldn’t agree more! I’ve never understood taking a D class car to upgrade it to R or X, something about a Ford Focus challenging a P1 just kills it for me some reason. I always try and keep a car in its standard class, with the only exception being if a car starts out with no upgrades at say a 492 then I might give a shot at getting it up to 600 and see how it handles. But I almost never go above up grade higher.
I did see someone with the vintage jeep upgraded to a S2 last night that was kinda funny to see in a pack of hyper cars.