1 million accolade points earned thread

I made it. Who else has made it?



I made it a while back, would have every available accolade completed by now if vinyl shape uses hadn’t been broken since launch + no sign of it ever being fixed.


I’m about 30K over a milli now… Been between 537-698 on Hof F list for weeks now, just keep within that small range.

Congrats on hitting the mark in your own game. :grinning:

I’d have a bunch more, but Eliminator wins will never happen, nor will some online race stuff, simply cause I give up trying to win cheater infested modes.

Also, the vinyls being broken makes that completion impossible.


135K over. Been running in the top 550 or so overall on the leaderboard for the last few months. Haven’t focused too much on the creative group.


Just about 8k above 1 million. It’s annoying to know it could be more if it wasn’t for bugs.


I’m in about 160th place on 1,060,150. Probably about as far as I’ll get with just some of the tune and design ones left to get.

Someone mentions Eliminator wins and cheaters. I’ve played Eliminator a lot and I’m on about 65 wins. I’ve only come across cheaters a couple of times. There’s definitely a strategy to playing it.

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I’m at 1.1mil in the top 50 overall

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What’s the reward for hitting 1M?


A free taco at one of the taco carts along the road.


Accolades mean as much to me as kudos.


:smile::smiley: The knowledge that there’s still plenty more left to do.

I made a taco powered Sierra to reward myself and am selling some for money I don’t need haha.

After 1 million I am not so fussed but it kind of feels like what Hall of Fame should actually be to make it mean more, as you have to do most of the accolades to get there without doing the repeatable ones over and over.

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That’s already worth more than the kudos! :smile:

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I was starting to go back through & clean up some available accolades but I’m still like 340K away from 1M. Was hoping for some motivation :smile:


Yep. The ultimate reward for getting every accolade in the game is just a Regera haha. :smile::cry:

It’s something…

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True. At least it’s not a Manx!! :smile:

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I just ate dinner and you’re making me hungry again…over virtual tacos!!


Just hit 1956 in overall ranking with a few thousand over 1 million. Now just trying to recover from playing a thousand rounds of eliminator to complete those accolades. Then I will start a GoFundMe page to hire a social media company to try to get one person to like one of my photos.


I still need the accolade about winning without getting a car drop. But I haven’t tried in at least six months.

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The new Made In Mexico story completion dragged me to 1.4m, which means… absolutely nothing. :rofl:

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“Regera” is the Swedish word for “Govern”, so I guess you earn the right to be a king (or similar) once you get there!

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