Zepp's Garage/Maxwell's Speed Shop's Lego Valley Street Rally! See post #13

Hello fellow Horizonites! The subject of a tuning comp had been brought up on these forums and it has gotten me itchin’ for one. They used to be common place and a staple of my Forza experience.

This is in the very early planning stages. Since alot of us are now finding some extra time at the house, why not get this going.

What I am looking for first is interest in this. I’m hoping to get 10-15 folks that want to enter a car, originally built and tuned by them for a yet to be determined track or tracks. It may end up just one track for this first one. I will say one of my favorite comps was a “Jack of all Trades” comp, one car and tune for track, drift and drag. Might be a little much to start with.

Secondly, and this is important, I need impartial “Stigs” for testing the entries, and hopefully giving some feedback on each entrants tune. One of the best things I had found from these in the past was how much you learn and share knowledge with each other, which will just make the game a better experience. I know I have one very qualified driver, could use a couple more for a good, even playing field.

This whole thing will take about 4 weeks or so to complete. About a week for sign ups, or until full. Then a good, fair time.for building and testing, that’s usually been about 2 weeks, then about another week after that for actual driving if the cars, getting times and results. Prizes are a little tricky as gifting has left long ago and there aren’t really easy ways to LEGIT use the auction house to give prize credits. What I possibly can do, most likely what will happen, is a personalized paintjob for the winner. I had done that with some Hot Lap Challenges I hosted in FH3. I would have the winners pick something from my storefront they would like personalized, color change, number and name added, whatever.

Anyway, if anybody is interested please leave something here. Depending on interest, hopefully we’ll get this going!


  1. xDeaDxZeppLiNx
  2. El Barto inc

Seems nobody is up for this. I have to say, especially if you’re self quarantining, something a little different than the normal hotlap rivals stuff.

I’ll give it a couple more days.

If it helps, I’m pretty sure I’m going with A class Classic muscle, no drive swaps. Not sure if theres any over powered cars in the class yet. Haven’t picked a track yet but it will a road course.

I can try tuning somethin, probably will be bad, but what’s the harm in trying :slight_smile:

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This prolly isn’t going down. I appreciate your willingness to give it a go. I fear the thrill may be gone.

What’s up brother! That’s what I’m talking about! I’m not sure if folks are getting scared off or if I made it sound too complicated. I’m just trying to reconnect to the good old days of FM6 and some old school fun. No expectations, no judgements, just build a car, maybe try a few different ones. Share some knowledge and whatnot on tuning, have some fun competing a little. I little more of an investment and personal than the Hotlap rivals. Which are fun in their own right, this is just different.

I will put you on the list sir. Hopefully some more will jump on.

I’m thinking one of the circuits in Edinburgh, so “shortcuts” to change results, more of a “track type setting”.

[Tuning Setup] Saloon in Shape, Supercar in Soul

Feedback welcome.

…I’d like to know how that Maserati (957 hp, 1028 N⋅m, 1819 kg, AWD)'s performance is against 488 Pista.

If I have some time I may check those out but that’s not the feedback I’m talking about. I’m talking.about those that enter this, build and tune a car within the category of this comp. Then as cars are driven, winner is picked, feedback given to those cars.

This isn’t a random car feedback thread, sorry man.

Alright… Honestly I failed to apprehend the main post.

I would be willing to participate

A tuning comp?! Sweet! I’m getting some Big Time Muscle nostalgia going on!

I would be sooooo down for this!

Most of my time has been spent on FH3 mainly, I’m still drag racing A LOT.

Just let me know when the comp starts, and I will join in.

I know it will be a blast

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Man, where was your enthusiasm a few days ago brother!! Lol What’s up Orange! I’m shutting it down, I only had one person up for the “Comp” and guessing by the other guy’s post, I may have confused people with my comp’s original post.

xCriMinaLx and I were gonna just go ahead and build a few for something to do. Like I posted earlier, what it WAS going to end up being,

A Class Classic Muscle
A800 no drivetrain swaps
Edinburgh Station Circuit

I was hoping for 10 people, good number to shoot for, to build and share a car to be tested against eachother by a set of drivers. Best car wins…, well not much since that’s hard to do these days. Just a paint or something. Just an old school, “tuning” comp.

Anyway, I miss all you guys. CFunk and Wan all the FH3 fun. Theres good folks here, just not many from the old days. Apparently you’re still in the Outback! Lol

Darn, sorry I was late!

FH4 hasn’t really been doin it for me likeFH3 did, so that is why I’m back there.

Also the 1/4 mile drag racing community is still very much alive, so I no there doing that.

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Maxwell’s Speed Shop / Zepp’s Garage presents
The “Lego Valley Street Rally!”! Lol
40 miles of overpowered fun!

I am going to be building and running different classes, car types,


Build, or download, ONE (that’s ONE BUILD/TUNE!) One car for given car class/type to run the first 13 Lego Valley Rivals road course events. That’s 40 miles total. At the moment, there’s no prizes, its more for something to do although at some point I’ll have a logo shared I’m sure.

So, to sum up;

Lego Valley Street Rally
Road Course Rivals, first 13 tracks
40 miles total distance, Clean laps, Goliath is HOT LAP ONLY!!(no run up, 1, 2, 3, go!) All others, just a good, clean lap


All based on the honor system, your ghost will pretty much show short cuts and I’d share whatever you run, for one thing, to end any rule breaking debate and mostly because in the past, these things brought some downloads for folks that build and tune something.

I picked A Class Classic Muscle RWD only. First 13 road course rivals tracks. My time, if my math was right,

'70 AMC Rebel, 7.2 liter, shared. Total time 22:03.7 ( 1322.222 seconds )

I have just re-run this car. When I originally ran it, the time above, I hadn’t had the idea for the whole “Rally” thing, one of my laps was even just a hot lap on a smaller circuit. New times below.

Hope I got this right.
I picked '67 Vette Stingray left it RWD, did change gearbox to sport, race suspension and everything that goes with it, kept V8, bored to 7.3l with 343 kW/660 Nm, adjusted suspension, ratios etc.
No testing just dig into it. Hope that didn’t brake the rule, as I just set it as any of my other cars - I don’t do circuit specific tunes. Driven with keyboard, M+C transmission, ABS, no other assists.
Tune 144 082 146
Max 3 tries, mostly just the first run or second with circuit, Goliath just one run and done.


  1. 2.16.249
  2. 2.36.489
  3. 40.454
  4. 34.753
  5. 1.11.090
  6. 1.09.893
  7. 2.03.117
  8. 3.53.579
  9. 2.13.968
  10. 2.08.115
  11. 59.640
  12. 53.106
  13. 35.739

Total 21:16.2 (1276.2 sec)

Nice driving there Zepplin :slight_smile:

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Nice! Yeah, that’s all I’m doing. I’m going to give a couple other cars a try but really ended up liking that Rebel! I cant remember off hand what xDeaDxCrimiNaLx’s time was, but he beat me rather handedly as well, lol.

He picked a new class and car, S1-900 Modern Sports Cars. I’m gonna give those a shot today.

Thank you for giving it a go brother!

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So is there any restriction on how I can set the car up (RWD, AWD, etc), or just by type and class?

RWD Modern Sportscar, then capped at S1 900. I’ve got a TVR that I’m messing with, haven’t really started yet.

Thank you.
I was also thinking TVR and Lotus, but after trying it as RWD and keyboard … well lets just say it didn’t go so well :confused:
So now I’m looking at the manufacturer, who’s cars I drive IRL (see my signature) :slight_smile:

Hope night shift will be quiet and I can do some laps on my laptop

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Night shift is going well so far :slight_smile:
So Alfa Romeo 4C '14 engine swapped for 3.2l I6 324kw / 473 Nm, 772 kg, race suspension and all, RWD
Still driven with keyboard, M+C transmission, ABS, nothing else
Tune 449 695 111

  1. 2.01.288
  2. 2.22.757
  3. 37.899
  4. 30.893
  5. 1.03.559
  6. 1.02.770
  7. 1.51.501
  8. 3.28.244
  9. 2.00.728
  10. 1,55.394
  11. 54.503
  12. 49.951
  13. 31.161

Time 19:10.7 ( 1150.7 sec)

Alfa lacks front grip compared to TVR, but keeps me from just burning rear tires (think I did burn trough few sets anyway :slight_smile: )

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