I am usually making 1-2 new racing tune setups per day to race Marathon or Goliath. Since there are A LOT of cars, you might miss out on some really awesome cars or you might not find a good tune for a car you want. Will also add at least 1 new custom circuit per week, only with at least decent level racing line that helps.
So, why not try my tunes or request a tune for your wanted car and class rating? I will do tune request in order, from first to last.
My gamertag is zalmoxis91
I will list down here the cars I tuned and I will update this daily. If you guys have any suggestions feel free to leave a comment. (I will list all my tunes once I get home from work).
I will add custom circuits made by other people if you post a suggestion of one. I will test it so if I find it enjoyable and it has a decent racing line, I will add it. It also needs at least a screenshot of its layout before I even try it out.
I test the cars on Open Class in Marathon and Goliath races (Titan for offroad), against Highly skilled up to Unbeatable drivatars. For setup, I use a T500RS wheel and all assists off (only ABS On). If I list a tune here it means you can easily beat drivatars. If you can’t, then try lower difficulty drivatars until you the race once or twice.
Because the car list is now over 140+ tunes and I added custom circuits, I made a google spreadsheet. There are SHEETS(see bottom of spreadsheet, just like excel) with each tune speciality: Race, S2 offroad, Vintage and Classic, Rally and Offroad, Seasonal Championship and Winter Race tunes.
To get all my tunes, an easy way would be this:
On “creative hub” from the pause menu go to followed creators (Assuming you’ve already followed me ingame, you do that by searching for a tune and on advanced you search by tuner and type my gamertag Zalmoxis91) then you can select them then select “tunes shared” in the bottom left. That lists all the public tunes. Then you can favourite or straight download them by pressing Y or A.