Xbox Series X Console Wrap for Motorsport please!

Xbox just announced these gorgeous console wraps, including one for Starfield. Can we pretty please get one for Motorsport too?

(And while we’re at it, Series S console wraps too :pray: )

yeah, or stick the innards of the console inside a VW Camper shell


Yes, please… and honestly, I wouldn’t mind one for FH5 as well, so it will look as cool as the controllerl! :slight_smile:


I love the idea of these wraps. No longer do I need to envy the rich folks who buy all the special editions…
Give us MORE of these.

A Forza Motorsport one would be amazing, but can I get an FH5 one too? I know the game has been out for a while but if I can make my Series X to look like the FH5 Controller, I would be super happy!

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Barbie had one. It would not be fair unless Forza got one too.

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:sparkling_heart::sparkling_heart::sparkling_heart:Festival HORIZON :sparkling_heart::sparkling_heart::sparkling_heart:
:blush::wink::v: I :heart: Forza HORIZON

Or just sell a forza edition Xbox series X

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Please make it happen.

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