Xbox Extended Feature Support Driver messes with Xbox Controller on Steam

A few days ago I enabled Xbox Extended Feature Support on Steam hoping that my impulse triggers would finally star working in FH4, but it didn’t help. I left it enabled because it allowed me to screenshot game with my controller without using keyboard.

Yesterday I started to notice that my car won’t shift up sometimes (manual shifting). I thought it was some server problems or something similar. But then it goes worse, and 1 in a ~20 times when I pressed the B button (gear up), my car’s gear didn’t go up. Sometimes it happens 2-3 times in a row. Same thing with gear down, but not that often.

I changed the button layout to check if the problem was in X and B, but the same thing happened with Y and A.

Then I logged into Assetto Corsa Competizione and drove a few laps with manual shifting with the same buttons, and it worked well.

Today I turned the Xbox Extended Feature Support Driver off, and for now it seems that the problem is gone. At least for now.

Is this a known issue? I searched reddit for something similar, but found nothing. Maybe it has to be fixed?