As the title states.
I don’t see why not. I have a Bizarro parody version of the General Lee that’s survived for several years.
Color isn’t an issue either (orange), neither is the 01…It’s the original flag that will cause a problem. I don’t even believe the “General Lee” part was a problem.
Thanks, I’m just worried about getting banned because someone can’t take a joke.
It’s sad that they ban people for this, but I wouldn’t risk a ban for uploading a General Lee or variation of it. I’d keep it for myself
The General Grant is perfectly fine. He’s an American hero that saved the Union with Lincoln from fascist slavers. You will not be banned.
I actually have a perfect replica on my Creative Hub but I’m away from my XB at the moment & don’t have the Share Code. If you search General Grant or my GT: Incog Bus you’ll find it. I based it off the replica model you can buy so it has General Grant’s seal on the hood too.
The paint color, name, car type…etc was never the issue.
It all boiled down to the application of a confederate flag on the vehicles roof… without that, there would be no reason to ban/penalize someone using the vehicle shown in this thread.
I don’t see why it wouldn’t. Should be fine.
While I completely agree slavery was bad, I feel that the word “fascist” is thrown around way too much in current day. People from the southern states back then wouldn’t have understood the term, let alone fit that term.
I think a lot of people who throw it around don’t really have a good idea of its meaning either.
Just cos I’m interested and loved the dukes of hazard. What was the car?
69 dodge charger
Cheers matey
It is weird to put 50 on the doors and 34 stars on the flag.
Fascist: a political philosophy, movement, or regime that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition.
I dunno but this seems to pretty accurately describe the Antebellum South & generally speaking the CSA & it’s political philosophy. What do I know though, I’m just a dumb New Yorker…prolly a libtard at that.
Careful, making wild assumptions (even about yourself) is treading on a thin line. Don’t assume my responses based on your political beliefs.
Boy, this thread got interesting…
Oh I could start a firestorm on that one. I should get a kudos for keeping silent!
Might be because Grant is on the $50 bill…
Sorry. I was trying to be self-deprecating, it wasn’t a reflection of you or what I thought your response would be or why. Humor is hard to discern online.
I may not always agree with you but I enjoy your contributions to the forum.