Some of you guys have done some amazing work on widebody kits in here … so I’m looking for some feedback and advice. Decided to try my hand at a widebody kit for really the first time. And from reading the boards here, it appears I’ve chosen the hardest color scheme to start with … black matte paint. Ah well, I’ll give it a go. I’d like some advice or tips on what colors to use, what transparency settings to use, etc. to help this thing look as realistic as possible.
First of all … my source car. A Prior Design Nissan GT-R:
As we all know, what looks good in the paint shop does not always look good in the sunlight. The pic below is my paint fresh out of the paint booth:
In the sunlight, my paint work seemed too bright in contrast to the black car. So I covered the whole car and my vinyl work with a black vinyl at 50% transparency to try and eliminate some of the ‘brightness’ of my kit vinyls. I think it helped some, but not sure if it’s still what I’d like it to look like in the sunlight. With the added black vinyl:
And a couple more shots from different angles with different levels of sunlight:
What are your thoughts, guys? Any tips for me on coloring or shading to get this thing a little more realistic and believable?