Looking for a Painter!

I’m in need of a clean wide body paint job for my R32.

Is there any painters out there wiling to slap one together for me.

Will finance!

Much love Legit.

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I can help out. How clean/simple are we talking? Like over fenders and a vent or?

Awesome! Over fenders and a vent sounds nice. Maybe a front vent incorporated in an over fender or something? I shall pm you once I get home tonight!


Sorry work has been crazy for the past week, I’ll hopefully have it done in the next couple days. (I also work from home, so theres no telling if ill be busy or not)

Not a worry! Thanking you for putting in the time :slight_smile:

As for all cheers for the examples and offers etc etc.


Paint request -
Car - 1993 Nissan GT-R V-Spec

I hate R32’s

I hate you! But I don’t tell everyone. :stuck_out_tongue:

Same, fam.

R32 = Boobs!

I’m loving my hatchi a lot more than my 32 atm. :slight_smile:

It’s not hat I “hate” hate it, it’s because the car is difficult to make a clean kit for. I started something but I’m not happy with it at all :frowning:

I hear you!

I’ll put it on the storefront as a vinyl group… Car was pretty hard to work with, so I just left some over fenders on… i’ll still try and work on it some. If want to change a color let me know ill change it for ya!

Great effect m8, keep going!

That’s fine thank you. I probably spoke up a little too soon for my paint! I’m currently working with both the 32 and 35! So unsure which is going to be my main car. But deffinaetly will be running that on my 32.

Nice work and thank you. Much appreciated!

No thank you for my effort to completing your a paint request. Never mind.

Thank you very much for your effort in my request. When I get the time I shall purchase all products from the store front.

:slight_smile: My sincerest apologies on not thanking you sooner.