Custom Paint Job In FH3 help !!

Hi everyone , i’m searching for someone to make a nice paint job for my future club and my community. I need a paint for a drift build and all the member of my club gonna use it. But since i’m really bad to make a full car paint job i’m searching for someone who are able to help me to make a custom paint and we gonna make videos and alot of events. Thx for your help and sry for my bad english.

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This forum is very helpfull lol

It’s probably not the best time to bring up this issue, while I can’t help you I’m sure if you bring up this topic as the release date gets closer more people will be willing to help.

I agree with the above poster, it’s way too early to be asking stuff like this. It’s not like anyone can work on it yet.
It also doesn’t help that you give absolutely no details on exactly what you want. All you said is that you want a custom drift build paint job, which basically says nothing.
Which vehicle? If it’s for a club then what is the club called? Do you have a logo? Maybe post some images of the type of style you’re looking for. Anything that would let the potential artists know what is needed. :slight_smile:

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Hi painters I’m looking for someone to build me the juha rintanen s15 *FLAMING FINN his current drift car it has a very intricate skull design and tears coming out of it I’m trying to find a drift creater that could make the scheme for me and msg me when it’s up IconicDriftCowz thank you!!!

Probably best to check the paint booth section out and ask there