I like this game, I’ve invested in a racing wheel setup to make it more fun and realistic yet i find myself getting F***ed over continuously by rammers and people that only play to wreck the race of others. Why is their not a lobby where collisions are off yet? It was in Forza 4 so why not this one?
There is only a rotating division homologated only ghost lobby. Once in a while there is a ghost full whatever class league but not too often. I don’t know why the rotating ghost lobby has never rotated to a full class. It would be nice once in a while. Also having a rotating full class ghost lobby would be welcome in addition to the current one. Just not enough interest. While the ghost league is pretty active the one hopper they have isn’t always busy. Depends on what Division it is.
I understand your frustration. I have been requesting a ghost lobby with sim damage forever. I enjoyed the ones in FM6 leagues. The 4 yr olds couldn’t hurt you and if you messed up you would suffer the consequences.
What this game needs is custom public lobbies… what turn 10 give us isn’t great and they are determined not to give us the customisations or hosting options we want. Pity as it’s a good game apart from the limited multiplayer option.
They do they are called private lobbies, you set the race up however you want
much needed. class hopper ghost would offer plenty in a single lobby. simple add, olease consider T10
If this is something that interests you please add to this thread. 4 people is not going to do it.
We Need custom public Lobbys!
Bann the rammers
Custom publics would be great, not many options for non-contact at present, and I don’t like the idea of hiding away in private lobbies, not to mention having to wrangle a bunch of people together whenever I want to race online. I’ve never been a big fan of full contact, especially not when full damage is on. I haven’t done much racing outside of the ghost hoppers in FM7 as a result. Mostly rivals, and the more relaxed track day and drift hoppers.
FRR for contact lobbies will help, but there will still be a demand for non-contact racing. We all hate rammers but often it’s not that simple.
Please only add to this if you want more ghost lobbies. Forget your CPL’s. They won’t bring that back. We have been asking since Forza 4. Just forget it. They aren’t ever coming back. The current private lobbies are not searchable so that is useless having lobbies you can’t find.
I wasn’t suggesting they do something like what Horizon has, just going off what someone else said. I’d much rather just have ghost hoppers for each class, and perhaps throw cycled prod., cycled div., and endurance hoppers in there as well to cover the other bases.