I have spent several hours hot lapping the Nordschleife+GP track and everytime I set a CLEAN good lap, when I exit it just says I am ranked at the time I set on my very first lap of the day (a dirty lap).
My current lap is a 7.18.405, which at time of writing would be 9th in the world, but instead it keeps bumping me to 500+.
Might be a server connection issue.
Try a cold reboot and see if that changes anything.
What are your other circumstances? Mode? Car? Class? Are you able to update times on other leaderboards?
Driving the Lotus E21 X999 in free play, challenge mode. Gutted as never potentially ranked that high. The other tracks update perfectly, just this one track seems to be messing about.
you wouldn’t stay 9th very long with a 7:19 lap in an x class car for very long - I wouldn’t fret too much
I noticed this last night too.
I was racing the lotus E21 around nord. and put down a clean 5:43 in my first lap. My second lap was a dirty 5:35.9 and thats what it posted… the dirty lap!..lol
Tried to beat it with a faster clean lap but it was late and i was tired… i beat it.,… but with a faster dirty lap.
I think whats happening is that it records the fastest time… regardless of the triangle. When i get home today from work I plan on beating my dirty 5:32.xxx with a clean one…
Ill post here with the results either way…Hopefully I am correct and it will post my faster clean lap… we will see in about 8 hours…lol