Well I’ve been playing forza sense forza 2 and theyve changed the collision mode a few times but now if u do it off or ghosts it’s just invisible I like to drag race and sometimes roll race lol roll racing was ruined in this game just do to this reason u can’t have collisions on there’s jus to much drafting there’s push draft and side draft and lead draft on the other forza’so u could at least see your car it would be great if u could have collisions off and fully see your car please address this problem turn 10 thank you
Well that makes sense. Heard of punctuation?
My brain hurts from reading that.(<-- that’s a period) Why does it matter if the cars ghost? I couldn’t quite get the point from your post. It would be weird if the car models just kind of molded together IMO.
I no u guys like to argue n make fun of people and that’s not why I’m on here I’m just simply trying to get curtain things fixed that we’re better in the last game if u drag raced or roll raced at all u would understand so here let me put it in terms u can understand when u are roll racing per say if collisions are on there is a thing called draft now that works from front and back and sides so we can’t have a legit race if that’s happening when ghosts or collision mode is off the car is invisible we’re u can’t tell who’s in front you just see a slight bit of a rim on the other forza’s u could still see the cars well in ghost mode and I’m not spending the time punctuating sorry if u can’t read this next time keeps smart ass comments to your self children
This is not meant to argue, or to make fun of you, but really… I’ve read and re-read and re-read your posts, and I cannot figure out what you are trying to say.
However, what is clear is that you are making a suggestion for a game feature, which belongs either in this thread:
Forza Motorsport 5 Game Features Wish List - http://forums.forza.net/turn10_postst207_Forza-Motorsport-5-Game-Features-Wish-List.aspx
or, via email to forzafb@microsoft.com
- Don Ente