Where has the etiquette gone in the Forza drifting community? I used to play Forza 4 before upgrading to the xbox one, NEVER used public points lobbies, only drifting tandem in user created lobbies. After spending a few days getting used to the gameplay on Forza 6 and my new wheel I entered the (sad) public points lobbies as Forza stupidly took away the user created lobby option.
In EVERY event I’ve entered, someone has crossed the line without waiting for everyone to finish. In EVERY event, theres been people showing a complete lack of control over their cars and a lack of etiquette for their fellow drifters. Whether it’s someone trying to be too close to another person and ending up hitting them, or people performing silly overtakes right before a corner throwing the other player(s) off, I’ve honestly seen the most shocking gameplay on Forza that I’ve ever seen, and I’ve been playing religiously since Forza 2.
I don’t know whether its because the game is still quite new and many players may be new and not know that drift events aren’t races and that if you’re in a points lobby, make sure to keep a suitable distance between you and anyone around you.
I would also like to add that I was NEVER a points drifter on any previous Forza. I always found similar problems with other players being sub-par with their drifting and general car control. I always drifted tandem in user created lobbies. This is definitely something that Forza seem to have overlooked and the whole drifting community is suffering.
Feel free to add me as a friend if you agree and want to tandem sometime. Points lobbies and the people in them are driving me crazy! Really.
I’m from the UK and drift most evenings after 6, but until either Forza bring back public lobbies or I get enough friends that want to tandem too, I’ll be drifting solo offline.
It’s a real shame as I used to really enjoy drifting on previous Forza releases.
Also I was in points lobbies a lot in Forza 4 for video purposes, they’re cesspools. 75% of people in your lobby are clueless, can’t control their car, refuse to let faster cars pass or are out to get you. Now that you can have 24 people in a lobby it’s MUCH harder to get away from.
Its so hard to find People to drift with, and by “drift” i mean tandem… Havent got any new forza friends since forza 4…
I think that its sad that turn 10 removed the user created lobbys… It kinda ruined the game for me… Been drifting in forza since Fm 1… And the best part was joining radom user created lobbys and meet new drift buddys…
And u could always tell that they were drift lobbys cuz 50 laps tsukuba hahaha… Good old days…
Feel free to add me… Im from sweden so im 1 hour ahead of England…
I remember the days of spending hours and hours drifting with some of the soundest people around and now it’s all gone I wish the drift community was back to the old FM4 days where the game always had loads of people playing it and the forums always had something happening. I don’t think it’ll ever be the same again!
Drifting in public lobbies is terrible so sad that it really is just a troll fest. The worst part is now you get a reward spin and cars for trolling. Thanks Turn 10 for making a great game but unfortunately you don’t care about this type of behavior. There’s no reason ever to allow people to pick F1 or Indy cars in a drift Lobby. Then as mention before a 29 second end race timer so 99 % of the time you get a big fat dnf even if your in 1st place in points and some troll races his F1 car to the end. Then as said troll gets done trolling he can go spin the wheel of troll rewards and you pay him for behaving that way. I wish I never paid $110 for this and you really don’t act like you care one bit. Yea we got forums but for what? I wonder why it is so hard to make the timer 2 minutes and give us no collision lobbies. I remember being told crashers would be stuck with crashers. I drift with my teamates in private lobbies now or just don’t even bother playing. The game has been out a month and allready I can’t stand online lobbies period. So for all of us Turn 10 clean up this mess and quit counting you money. Patch this game and ban some trolls please!
I’ve only ever joined a handful of public drift lobbies since the game launch and they are a real let down. It’s quite clear user created PUBLIC lobbies should be introduced, but whether or not turn10 will listen to my constant moaning I don’t know lol.
The public lobbies were even worse when the ultimate edition players had our early access, it was unlimited drift, meaning 4WD and RWD mixed together. It was utter carnage.
The etiquette isn’t gone. Remember there are always new players joining in on the game and many are still learning the etiquette of racing and drifting.
It’s gone. All the pro’s hide in public lobbies and let skills parish by just playing with the same people over and over. There is no one to show people in publics anymore what they could achieve, so now all we have is people running around with the misconception that they are doing it right based of what they see on youtube or on TV. Way to much to list, the community has given up on trying to achieve a global win by teaching people while in game or giving tips to those in need. That and people are also afraid to ask questions while in public rooms so they endup clobbering corners and taking people out when its easily avoidable.
Hey guys I’ve just bought an Xbox one with forms 6 and horizon 2 , used to play 360 on forza 2 and 3 then went to ps4 due to all my friends getting that , so I’ve got no friends on Xbox one.
Well iv just gotten forza 6 on xbone im a long time forza drifter looking for people to tandem with on forza 6 I never have liked points drifting. If anyone likes feel free to add me for some tandem practice or whatever.
I believe that the points are the base of the problem. I remember back in FM2 when we would just drift for the fun of it. No points, no winners, no losers, just flying around corners sideways at 50 laps of tsukuba, suzuka, or even sunset peninsula. That’s where I learned, and after reading all of your comments on this thread it looks like that’s where you guys learned too.
We didn’t drift to see who could get the highest score at the end. We drifted because it was fun to be with a whole group of people who know what they’re doing, and it was also fun to teach people how to drift. I remember we used to sit and discuss setups, driving styles, and just drifting stories in general.
FM drift has gone from being a virtual hangout for friends, veterans, and newcomers. To being a total competition where everything anybody is worried about is winning.
My GT is Nafe72 if anyone wants the old way back. I’m in the U.S. And I’m usually on around 10 P.M. Mountain time
i agree, but the " problem " is that the multiplayer is changed ( in bad way ) , i remember too in fm2 the search of the lobby with 75 laps that was the " sign " of the drifting lobby!! very fun at that time!! now with the drifting hopper and no possibilities to make a custom pubblic lobby all we ( at least me ) is doing privates or just rivals ( my bad english is not my native language )
The problem is that there are a ton of new players who haven’t a clue of the previous players ways of conduct in lobbies. Also, I believe there are less and less veteran players. Case in point, just prior to Forza 6 coming out, I got Forza 5 and tried drifting… It was a mad house. Not a single player could drift, not a single player would wait at the line. It was simply a mad dash to the line and grab a few accidental drift points along the way. But the timers in Forza 5 were much longer. In Forza 4 right now, we get a new player now and then that doesn’t know any better and crosses the line, but they are quickly corrected with either a message or a vote kick.
It’s not the points drifting that’s the cause. I gave up on Forza 6 and went back to Forza 4. The public lobbies there aren’t that bad at all, especially compared to Forza 5 and Forza 6. You still have the troll or two now and then, you still get a new player or two there, but they learn soon enough to not cross the line, bump into someone else, jump right back on the track after sliding off etc. The RWD lobby is far better than the Unlimited lobby, but there are so few players in the RWD lobby that sometimes you have no choice but to drift in the Unlimited lobby.
At this point I’ve pretty much given up on Forza beyond Forza 4 for drifting. I’ve already gotten rid of Forza 5 and 6 and went back to Forza 4 and am happy again. I think(IMHO) that Forza 4 was the peak of the apex in drifting for the Forza series and it’s all down hill from there.
If you need a break, bust out and dust off that Forza 4 disc and come join us.
i used to drift a lot on forza 3 and 4 but not always in public lobbies but in the rival drifts but when i did go in public lobbies you always had enough time to at least get a good score and finish but as many have pointed out this isnt the case as i have noticed in some lobbies as well.im more than happy to join a private lobby for drifting(im online most evenings for about an 1hr or two)