Honestly I don’t think I’ve ever seen such a long list of issues on a games release and hope that they will patch these issues before full release .
At the moment we are having some serious game breaking disconnecting issues and nobody can play free roam with there friends ( The main part of the game ) . This is fundemental and ruins the experience . The thing that worries me is on full release the servers will be non existant.
One glaring issue being disconnects ? What about not being able to see convoy members for more than 1 minute? That’s a main part of the online game or the multiple crashes ?
Only one? I’m on day 4 of early access and I still haven’t driven anything yet because the game refuses to stay connected to my G923. How the AF does any company release a car game in 2021 that doesn’t work properly with most of the major gaming wheels on the market?
I’ve never seen so many issues on a Forza game release before. On non Forza games… well, have you ever heard of Cyberpunk 2077? Or any Bethesda game?
But yeah, you’re right, Horizon games are focused on online gameplay and right now it’s unplayable. Playing solo is not that buggy, but we miss so many features.
Considering we pay a premium to play early and get all the extra content, It’s quite poor that we are experiencing some of these issues, minor bugs aside, the server issues and occasional crash to dash is not great.
Remember how bugged FH4 was? I played from day one, just to mention a few issues:
Critical: Game randomly crashing after entering/exiting a tunnel on the highway on Nvidia cards
Critical: Game crashing when using OSD software like Riva Tuner / MSI afterburner. At first it wouldn’t even start if you had OSD on, the game would close at startup.
Severe: Driving distance on weekly driving challenges not counting
Irritating but fun: Caterham R500 FE suspension model going nuts after upgrading the car
And not to mention how long it took PG/T10 to ban the Bone Shaker and Track-Tor from destroying online adventures.
That said FH5 is much more broken atm. because of these constant disconnects.
Not much is working in the game. You can drive around, do races, take out billboards, buy cars, buy houses, spin the wheel and if lucky have a driving wheel that works with the game. The rest of it is pretty much monkey pooh at the moment. It is like these folks were in a pub about 4 months ago, half drunk, and decided they wanted to build another Horizon game.
Well I am not getting disconnected any more but none of the online game play (forzathon stuff) is saving. I will give them this though…the modeled environment looks really good and I have not had any problems with it thus far. Oh… I stand corrected…I can not buy a car just win them via wheel spins.
Aside from the constant disconnects i can not even play now, the game will not save anything. Can not buy cars, modify cars, paints, tunes, no progress saved. literally no point in playing. Hoping they fix this soon.
Also the amount of unnecessary dialogues and cutscenes is nauseating…game, just shut up already! I know what’s on the minimap, I know how to access it and I’ll do the events when I want!!!
Just give a new player a short survey at start and ask if he’s played FH before, if so - cut the unncessary info.
Oh and don’t forget how choppy FH5 runs on hi end hardware, I have a 5950X, 32GB of 3800CL14 RAM, MP600XT NVMe SSD, 3080Ti Strix LC and the games is choppy like crazy, it’s constantly loading / buffering stuff.
Literally every Ubisoft game ever made. Most Battlefield and Call of Duty games. Destiny 2 (which is still hilariously broken). Cyberpunk 2077. The list of games that are massively broken on release grows every year, with many of them never getting proper fixes even after 4 or 5 years have passed (Looking at you, Ubigarbage), so I have no idea what you’re talking about. Pretty sure FH4 had some major bugs in it for the first few months after release.
Some of the bugs here absolutely should have been ironed out long ago, like the server disconnects that also plagued FH4 (but strangely not FM7. Maybe ask T10 for help there WAPG.)
, and the stupid graphical issues that cause high end PC’s to run out of VRAM (memory leak anyone?), but the rest of the stuff is only really going to come to light once you have 800,000 highly obsessed freaks looking at every single pixel in your game world. That’s just the nature of massive scale games like this. You want a game with no bugs? Get used to playing a solo player version of the original Pong. Any game this massive is, no matter how careful the devs are, will be littered with problems.
That being said, it does feel like perhaps they don’t have enough QA employees, or perhaps that they don’t start involving them soon enough in the development process. Some issues really should never have survived past the games alpha stage, and absolutely should not still be present a few days before release AND having “Gone Gold”. We’ll have to wait and see where things go, and hope that the people in charge are at least somewhat competent.