Everything said here has been very wise. There is no one answer for every car, or for every track. That would be way too easy and T10 wants us to work for it, because everything worth having is worth some work right. Now with that said, ill break off my piece of mind. When in a car I start off looking at what the conversions do, I don’t do them yet, just see what they do to the car. Then I move on to tires, and see what kind of grip the car gets with the different tire options; if the car lands half way into a class with the grip I would like then I think that’s perfect, leaving about 50+ish PI for power. Like most muscle cars with race tires end up half way into A class. Then second is the chassis upgrades, always adding springs, swaybars, and brakes, because I like tuning them to the feel I want; which is all personal preference, but those things don’t eat up a lot of PI. Using a muscle car for example I would then look at the weight kits available and probable go with race weight because those cars are tanks. Then i would put forza wings on it, personally again the forza spoilers give the car a quicker and more consistent feel to the car for me. Even a car with a .1 or .2 less in grip but with forza spoilers added, i think turns better, and you can tune these parts to give you more grip. I would then fill the rest of the PI with engine upgrades, I do exhaust often because the car sounds awesome! I don’t often do roll cages, because i look at the lateral G’s in the bench mark, with all 3 roll cage options, if it helps the lateral G’s in both 60 and 120 i will do it, but not if it is just for one of them, and commonly it is non of them. The roll cages compromise the cars weight dramatically, sometimes hurting the handling, and hindering its acceleration.
Now as far a car that is light from the get go, i still look at tires first, conversions to see if something looks awesome, do my usual brakes, springs and sways for tuning preferences; i generally will not take any weight out of it and go for power!!! But again i will most likely have full forza spoilers.
Now keeping in mind that everything is different for everyone, and every car, and every track. There are some common ground that I will share, but i don’t want you to feel limiting in thinking that my builds or ideas are best or fastest based off my lap times. The biggest factor about this game we are not talking about is reading the tracks and turns, there so many different ways to run these tracks and different possible lines, with all the cuts and cool different ways the check points are set up, that there is always another option and “always a bigger fish” Qui Gon Gin.
What i like to shoot for in this game is grip. I believe that handling is OP in this game, unlike the first were half the tracks were drag races, these tracks are mostly momentum based tracks, and public lobbies are always easier to win in a car with lots of grip over a car with lots of power. Also i think AWD is OP in H2, for most cars if there a little loose or an AWD conversion doesn’t eat up a lot of weight, i will do an AWD transmission swap to the car. I normally leave stock trannys in cars unless i do an AWD swap then a race tranny and possibly clutch use up a small amount of PI, so in that case it is very beneficial. I then tune the top speed of the transmission to hit the same top speed as the track im running it on. No need to set an A class trans to do 200 because you wont see yourself often out of the 150 range ish. Also there has been a lot of talk about cams, i think cams are very very good in this game. They have been pretty week in past forza’s but we all know things get tweaked in every version. I think cams often give you great HP for PI, what i do is build the engine with boost, save it, build it with cams, save it, build it with torque, save it and compare to see what has the most power and or accel. After Forza 5 and the torque battles there i feel like T10 has nerft torque a bit in comparison, making power even better. Also you drive cars at faster speeds in H2 then in Motorsport 5.
In S1 class i shoot for something around a 8.0 handle and as close to a 9.0 accel as i can, the rest of the stats are just there to confuse you, speed is accel after 100mph
in a class i look for 7.0 hande from Saint Martin cars, 7.7+ in Neice and for Storm Island
B class something under 7 handle with mid 7s on accel
c class something above or close to 6 with a high to mid 6 accel.
The best advise and thing you can do for yourself, is run a rival time, pick a track you like and you wont get board of or frustrated at. Build a few cars a few different ways, run one, load another build, run it against your own rival time, rense and repeat. For further questions about tuning and building just Private Message me or hit me up XBLive, im always down to help a fellow racer!!!