When does pre-load start for the Ultimate Edition?

Of corse I know we cant play until the release date, When can we download the Game?

The confirmation screen just before you purchase the game has the most detail we know right now about downloading and play time.

Nothing has been announced as to when we’ll be able to pre download FM6. I’m guessing pre download will start sometime in mid August, if not early August.

As for a demo, I’m expecting it to be around 2 to 3 weeks before actual launch.

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im gonna predict we can download the game shortly after it goes gold, so like in three weeks


I was wondering when I will be able to pre-loaded Forza 6 as I have order the digital version.
When I bought it, it seem to download a place holder, as it was a small file size.

You’ll know when the rest of us know. :wink: When it will be is anyone’s guess at this point.

For sure it will be before September 10th. How much sooner doesn’t matter.

I’m sure this has been asked a 1000 times before so sorry in advance I did look but couldn’t see any thing
As I only have a 1mb BB connection I am rather keen to get started on my pre orderd download so I at least get to play it this year
Has anyone been made aware when the download link will go live for pre orders
Many thank in advance

There’s no info yet. See the FAQ thread and this one: http://forums.forza.net/turn10_postst38147_How-many-gb-will-it-be-for-Forza-6-to-download.aspx

So after attempting to download the fm6 demo today and failing due to it taking forever, it brought to my attention if fm6 is ready for preload? I want to buy the ultimate edition and I would like to start downloading it ASAP so the game is ready on Sep 10th, does anyone know anything about this please respond thanks guys :slight_smile:

The full 44gb is now available to install.

Go to manage games. Uninstall Forza 6 then Install Forza 6, watch that percentage slowly increase. I left mine overnight.

thanks - I was wondering how to force the install. Mine says 44 gb or so but it downloaded way too quickly a few weeks ago so I know it was not the full game.

I have pre orderd the ultimate edition a time ago.
But still i can’t download the full game.
Is there a date when we can preload the ultimate edition ?

I purchased on Sunday and mine has already preloaded.

mines downloaded sunday just past

Bought mine yesterday and already preloaded.

It should of down loaded by now fella.

It’s downloading now.
When i preorderd, the game was not gold yet.
I only downloaded the carpass, vip and the other packages, but not the full game, it was ready whitin 5 minutes.
Now i have deleated the game and do a new install.
It’s now downloading the full game :grinning::grinning::grinning:.
Thanks for the quick response everybody :+1:t2::+1:t2::+1:t2:

Mine took a while to preload but i think it is done. I ordered the ultimate edition and was wondering what everyone see’s when they go into manage apps from their xbox one. I see Forza 6 and is says preordered on it. I am also not able to manage the game as well and the only option I get is to uninstall (which is something i will not do )

Just curious to hear about what others see when they go into the manage apps … app

Bought a week ago, no preload yet :\