This is one of those subtle details that a lot of people just won’t notice.
Personally, I use cockpit view in most sim-esque racing games I’ve played, but never used it in Forza because it always felt kind of… artificial, for lack of a better word. The primary reason is the lack of proper wheel rotation. Of course you should be looking ahead at the apex or car you are following or whatever, but it’s still in your peripheral vision and contributes to the whole “feel” of driving, and it is somewhat immersion-breaking.
Of course there are other issues with Forza’s cockpit view as well, from inconsistent roll cage fitment, broken gauges, weird reflection/glare issues… Kinda to be expected for a game with so many cars, but it all adds up to the game having one of the poorer in-car experiences in current sim-y racing games.
The “POINT” of Cockpit Dash View is that they made it for “me” and I am satisfied now that the gave me the option to remove the steering wheel. After all Turn10 is supposed to make this game according to only the features that I want.
Do you stop turning the wheel when it stops on the screen? I don’t feel like it’s done turning until the wheel can turn anymore and at that point I’m looking where I’m turning to and not the wheel in the screen
[mod edit - wsd - please refrain from using that type of terminology, thanks]
You just want your friends to know your on a wheel. I’ve got a wheel and personally for it to look real I like to only see one wheel when I’m driving. My wheel. And I dont believe for 1 second that seeing that wheel stop rotating makes you stop turning yours. You should be looking round the corner not at the wheel. I admit it is annoying when watching playback but it don’t make me go straight when I need to go right.
You’re arguing with a three year old post. I don’t understand why anyone was arguing with OP to begin with. It was a completely legitimate complaint that still hasn’t been fixed and every reply is jUsT dOn’T lOoK aT tHe WhEeL herp derp.