What happened to the menus and options?

I came to Forza 5 about a month ago having owned all the previous versions.Having been patient and waited until the car and track lists increased I can say that I am generally happy with Forza 5.Looks and feels great and now has a big enough car & track list.However I do have some issues with the game which are annoying…

1.What happened to the HUD lap time/best lap time?It shows for about 2 secs and then is gone before I can look at it.
2.No gap/split from car in front/ behind.
3.When creating a private user race.e.g. Pre 1970 Muscle car race against Drivatar/AI you cannot choose which cars the AI race.(It can be done in a roundabout way but takes so much time.)
4.I like the free car liveries/decals idea from other users but the search function makes it impossible to find.
5.What happened to the overall leaderboards and car clubs?
6.Total lack of race cars.The variety is good with F1 and Pre war cars but there are glaring omissions that make Forza irrelevant from what races on the track today.
Few Le Mans cars,no DP or P2 cars.No new GTLM and the biggest crime,GT3 cars.

Now I know that F5 was a new platform but some of the game looks like the devs did not even play or reference Forza 4.
Could some of these minor issues not have been corrected?


Is there an echo in here?

…maybe it’s just deja vu?

Welcome to the good ship FM5

  1. I think that it makes the game more realistic-looking, because you don’t have anything that records your lap times in real-life.
  2. I’m not sure why it’s gone.
  3. No one has the power to decide what the AI uses except for the server.
  4. Lots of one keyword may pop up.
  5. Same as #2.
  6. Turn 10 has much fewer cars in 5 compared to 4. It’s because Turn 10 made 5 (probably the other games in the series as well) to be quality-over-quantity. For the lack of race cars, I’m not sure, but I think it brings more variety. In past games in the series, there were race cars that were pretty much the same car, with a different livery.

Apparently its what the community wanted.


So much truth.

^ This. Welcome to Forza.


There wasn’t a guy there saying this idea is flawed. If there was he was ignored and told to complete the vision as designed.

New vision for the series: We want to make gamers and car enthusiasts into motorsport fanatics.

3 months to project cars. Hopefully they’ll get the job done and provide turn ten with some much needed competition.

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Its still gonna be a niche market, for hardcore sim racers mainly, the car list isnt as broad and its mainly race ones too.

And that’s a very good thing for me. And for the OP too, since his 6th point is about the “total lack of race cars”.

To be fair, It’s not a “total” lack. FM5 has some but compared to FM4 and other racing games It’s several steps behind.

With the limited car count and the addition of open wheelers then I suppose the ratio of race to street cars is probably similar to previous games.

However the entire Sports car racing series have been ignored which is at odds with the Forza 5 advertising I saw for myself at the Le Mans 24 hours race this year.Purely from a marketing point of view a June Le Mans car pack with 1 LMP1 car,1 P2 car and 1new GTLM car would be more “motor sport” and less Jalopnik the car game.

I had a quick look at both lists. I already knew Forza 4 had 120 unique race cars out of a total of 670 cars. So a ratio of about 1:5.
Forza 5 instead has 32 or so race prototypes, out of 320 cars, so a 1:10 ratio.

Turn 10 did such a great job with Forza 4 and its DLC. Many GT2, GT3 and LMPs were introduced. They definitely were on the right road…now I don’t even know if they will bother to bring all of them back, especially the older JGTC and GTS models.

I find it pretty annoying that the events don’t explicitly list the restrictions, as they have in all previous Forzas.
(Hopefully somebody will tell me I overlooked something…)

Hit X.

That works in multiplayer and rivals mode, not for career races.

surprised this hasn’t being fixed yet :frowning: Yes I know there are work arounds for this issue :slight_smile:

Exactly my thoughts! All of them.

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Don’t forget that this is the first outing of FM on the new-gen console, and it was a release title. I chalk most of this up to “teething issues” that were likely caused by an accelerated development time-table. On the other hand, look at FH2. We asked for tons of things to be in it, and we will now have full tuning, optional damage simulation, rain, vast fully drivable off-road areas & a much more diverse car lineup that the first game. Have faith, and patience. I’m sure T10 will deliver the quality we have come to expect, and revamp FM6 to bring back those features we all miss!

What I don’t get is Turn 10’s stubborn refusal to bring back these types of useful and functional elements.

It really seems the devs for Forza 4 are not the devs for Forza 5 or that they don’t play this game. If they did, they’d be annoyed.