What are some features FM23 has that GT7 DOESN'T have?

GT7 has global boards in sport mode (online)

Forza’s online is structured differently with hoppers. In GT7 the online racing revolves almost entirely around Sport Mode.

That would make sense because sport mode is online mode.

That’s a little subjective, I always thought the used car dealership model (in GT2 or GT3, can’t remember which, I haven’t played it since then, I’m assuming it’s still the same) was kind of a cool idea.


I loved the used car dealerships, one of the coolest features of GT :man_shrugging:

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Yeah it’s not that bad, only thing that sucks is you have to wait in real time to get the cars you want. Both used and legend cars rotate in (used cars is on 24hour refresh).

Thankfully certain cars you need for progression in the game will usually appear in the used car dealership “if it’s available there” for you to purchase.

I personally like this approach overall and brings back some good ole GT4 vibes

Sophy ai

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On of the biggest features FM23/8/whatever it is called has that GT7 is lacking is a plethora of bugs and a constant upgrade of new bugs each month.


Gt7 doesn’t have an army of testers


I don’t think FM8 has what I would call “An Army”, of testers. I think it’s down to about a squad or two at most.

You can see the problem here aswell, people just look at graphics when talking about a Simulator.
All this people can just go play Arcades in my opinion.
I just look the fact that the Physics and FFB work properly how they should and that collisions work not like in GT where is like a flipper slingshot, you can enter corners like there is infinite grip, cars move like they have no Mass.
I want a dynamic game, not a static one to look at, or I would just buy Hotwheels and BBurago models and look at those!
All free to go on your Simfakesparklingators, I have played already niche games and if forza will become one of those, with just the players it deservse, let it be, It will be fun!

The variety of cars is far better on FM

The weather change is on every track on FM instead of GT

And the Forza things, Open class hopper, rival mode for open class (Forza thing so)

And the updates. We can say everything about the updates of FM. But they’re still better than the one we got on GT. On GT, they give us 3 road cars and 1-2 races for career (Reminder that GT is a lot based for online which is based on race cars so there’s no real addition for the online mode)

That’s because GT is a mostly a competitive game not like FM which is a… Forza Horizon but on track

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Driving normally requires good eyesight. Why should a simulation only show a low-resolution image? Note: Resolution means distinguishable structures, not simply a large number of pixels with more or less the same color value, as the upscaled FM graphics on the XBOX show.

Yeah but on GT when you want to have a car, you farm the money to have it. I have the feeling we can have a better bond on GT than on FM

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The best and most important feature; no console exclusivity

Now I don’t have to pay a monthly fee just to play one game.

Oh and FMs in game economy is absurdly better than GT.

I have not played GT7 once since FM released. And good riddance.

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Are you serious :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Get a dog or a girlfriend, y’all out here “bonding” with digital cars :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

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Is known that everything out from the 5° of FOV is useless, on a TV there is no EYEtracking, if there was everything around that FOV would be blured.
On track you mostly need Apex poles, but in this post they are not discussing about track, but about the car.
The resolution has never been important, is mostly the FPS, Yes resolution also helps, but also with 540/480p we could still play racing games. And when they was not detailers we would reduce RES for FPS.
Also People complain about the Writing on the Nurburgring are not 100% in the same place!!! WHo cares, I’m sure even who really drives there never noticed and will just keep the eyes on the road. Is not Detailed? Don’t care, just give us another track!

Oops, sorry for you I have both, try again

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FMs game economy doesn’t exist. Play the game for like one week and you can basically buy every car you want. It’s a pathetic economy with no sense of reward. One of my biggest gripes with the game.