What are some features FM23 has that GT7 DOESN'T have?

I’ve seen many comments & posts about how this that & the other are in Gran Turismo 7, but missing or inferior in Forza. However, what about the other way around? Are there any aspects of the new MotorSport that are missing from Gran Turismo?

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I’ll find out come Friday lol but one thing that I’ve heard and looked for is rivals. Also the car list looks a little on the thin side compared to Motorsport.


True but GT’s models are all PS4/5 era, so it’s a win-some lose-some


FM8 allows players to form a deep and passionate, almost too passionate, spiritual, life long bond with each car via its car leveling system which no other game on the market offers.

  • All cars available as rental cars in Free Play/arcade modes

  • Licensed visual customization from individual dress-up parts to full wide body kits (wide body kits in GT7 are currently irreversible once applied, like certain engine upgrades, weight reduction, chassis rigidity and even engine swaps, not to mention most wide body kits do very little except for widen the fenders a little bit)

  • The ability to undo most tuning parts (e.g. certain engine upgrades, weight reduction, chassis rigidity, engine swaps and wide body kits)

  • Drivetrain swaps

  • The ability to Forzavista cars without VR (yes, really, in GT7 you need VR to Forzavista cars under the “VR Showroom” mode)

  • Full dynamic time of day and weather (GT7 does have some form of dynamic time of day and weather, but it’s not fully complete on all tracks)

  • “Performance RT” graphics mode (in GT7, you either prioritize frame rate or ray tracing, no “in-betweens”)

  • Car stats (speed, acceleration, handling and braking factors). They had this in GT Sport, ranging from speed, handling, acceleration, stability and braking, but not GT7.

  • Detailed view of telemetry

  • Direct access to purchase any and all cars in the game. Seriously, the Used and Legendary car dealerships were really a bad idea from the start, not to mention in GT7’s “Brand Central”, some cars have controversial “invitation” mechanics that can only be won from roulette tickets, which for most of the time, are rigged. But there are fears of FM8 having “come and go” cars, such as with the Open Series and Featured Tours.

  • Not to mention, a much better in-game economy, where the most expensive car in FM8 as of right now is the Koenigsegg Jesko, at Cr. 450,000 (if I remember correctly), which in GT7, is the price of a GT racing car in the Gr. 3 class.


Most of those features seem pretty crazy to not have, so I’m glad Forza does! However, Forza has plenty of cars you can’t buy. Every month there’s a new career tour with a seemingly limited-time prize car you can’t get otherwise. I don’t mind that kind of stuff to be honest, as long as there’s an auction house for those coming to the game late to be able to buy them again.

It exists on my system, which is the most important feature to have.

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Thanks for the rundown, can you confirm that there isn’t anything like rivals? I’m getting the game soon but I’m extremely curious to know early lol

Yes the models are definitely all modern touches in GT7. I’ve noticed that while they come out with new cars slowly every one is top notch quality. I could only imagine if the ever get back to the coveted 1k


GT7 does have something similar to Rivals in the form of “Online Time Trials” in Sport Mode, where you don’t need a PS Plus subscription to enter, but it can get very competitive, with the Gold requirement getting more difficult to obtain as days go by with faster drivers setting more lap times.

Gold - Cr. 2,000,000
Silver - Cr. 1,000,000
Bronze - Cr. 250,000

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@GBalao888 Ahhh I gotcha so it’s like the featured rivals but not each individual track like Forza right?

Something like that. The track (and even the featured car) for these events always change.

Typically, when new content releases, they feature a car from that update.

Off topic, but I am putting this here because in my mind it’s revelent…

Forza Motorsport is giving me Sega GT vibes, especially when racing JDM cars like the 97 GTO, 95 Supra… etc. At times this feels like what SGT could have been if Sega continued with the series. The biggest difference is the control. Everything else harkens back to all 3 versions of Sega GT… Its strange.

The ridiculous sun glare reminds me of SGT 2002 on the OG Xbox. The resolutions remind me of SGT on the Dreamcast, and the need to force myself through the career is a call back to all 3 titles.

Thinking for FM as if it were Sega GT’s revival, makes it much more tollerable…

I shouldn’t have to do that though. But now I want to mod the games title screen from Forza Motorsport into Sega GT 2023. I wonder if Turn 10 would frown on that?


better physics by far, has GT7 even physics? Better graphics in most parts, better multi player…

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You sure about that?


There are 8 less cars in GT7 than there are in FM8.


In total you are right. However if you look closer there are way less considering many are copies of the same car just balanced into different groups. Not to mention a ton of VGT cars (Vision Gran Turismo)

I just hope both games improve, hopefully GT7 gets more classics from GT4 and Forza Motorsport becomes the best game it can be. Gonna continue giving feedback and helping this community


I dont have a Playstation but from what I have seen. The graphics in GT7 look clean, like too clean I would say. GT7 is very focused in car prngraphy. But it looks a bit like a modern PC running an old engine game.
Yes GT7 has better car close-ups and even that is not a total win. But in game Forza looks natural and realistic. While GT7 looks a bit like a dream.

The scenery in GT7 is again, very fakey, everything looks a bit like a commercial in which all is very clean. Very “The sound of the music” While Forza is all about dirt and grit.

By the way Forza has a very fun Multiplayer game with lots of strategy about tyres and fuel that is lacking in GT7


During a race, is it important that the car’s headlights are superbly made? Because personally I don’t have time to watch them, but the feel and the handling are the basis of all racing games, that’s just my personal opinion

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