Add an Auction House feature

Please bring back the Auction House to Forza, it’s an identity signal of this saga and it’s been always a good mini-game to buy, improve and sell cars, or just to access blocked cars with huge sum of money.

Not my first wish after a lot of disappointed with some things after playing a few hours, but it should be back.


Just my thoughts, but its not a game I can continue playing. Boring and no replay value. Lots of features missing for a game that was 7 years in the making.It feels like there is really nothing to race for. Should have online leaderboards and car clubs like Forza 4


I understand that the game will be updated, and that casual racing along with other modes will likely be added later down the line. But what about an auction house?

The cars in this new Forza Motorsport don’t go over 500k, and it is fairly easy to earn credits and get whatever car you want whenever you want. But I’ve always liked browsing the auction house for cheaper options, pre upgraded/tuned cars and cars with designs not on the storefront, and in this Forza with the car leveling system it would be nice to buy pre leveled cars I need for multiplayer and don’t want to grind out or sell cars that are pre leveled that I don’t need anymore.

Car leveling is fun for a while and okay through the builders cup but it will get very annoying very fast in casual multiplayer with no way to upgrade and tune cars without hours of grinding first. An auction house that lets you sell pre leveled used cars would generate income for people who enjoy it while providing a way for people who don’t enjoy it or don’t have the time for it a way to skip car progression.

Please bring back the auction house. I feel that with the new car progression system. Putting the time and effort into developing the vehicle you should be able to at least make a decent profit for selling a developed car. With that being said I would appreciate being able to see my mileage on the car as well. Just make me feel like my time is not just being wasted and give me a sense of progression for the time spent.

The auction house was a big part of the game, please bring it back to the latest version.

Add the auction house into the game

Yes please bring back the auction house.

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are we getting an auction house in the new motorsport game anytime soon.

How would auction house work with the car leveling system? Would it’s levels reset? Would it come with a tune/upgrades anyways?

Don’t know if you’ve explored selling cars at all, but it looks like you can sell them for about half of what they cost new, unlike the old games where selling them straight up only netted you a couple thousand credits.

So now you’re able to sell them for essentially auction house prices. The issue is more that there aren’t enough prize cars to use that as a means of making money. But racing provides a ton of money in-game right now.

I love the auction house. It’s a chance to grab a bargain on a car. With there being so many cars in the game that I want to drive, paint, tune, and feel the way they handle I think it’s almost necessary to get the most playtime out of the game.

Also, getting to buy a car that’s tuned by a high rank is something that is needed in the economy of the game


Loving the new Forza Motorsport always been a fan, although does the new Forza not have auctions it was fun bidding and selling cars posted with designs, if not it would be Fantastic to see this added.

Does anyone else know or miss this?

It was a great way to buy your next drift car but given they’re forcing you to circuit race to get your car level up for no reason at all the auction house is gone forever.

Online public drift lobbies are gone too and will be quiet because who’s gonna circuit race with loads of cars to be able to drift them later.

how is car leveling and auction house connected?

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Figured but I don’t feel it can’t work to be able to buy a car someone has done a design and tuned like it use to.

Loved motorsport 7! I think all the fun has been sucked out of the game with the new forza motorsport. Granted the driving experience have improved and become slightly more realistic but thats where it ends for me.
Where is the days gone where you csn buy your dream car on the auction, or upgraded the car to wazoo and race it around the track against your mate! The new forza motorsport is to restricted…maybe more for the purest? Im just happy I did not buy it, ill stick to motorsport 7 and horizon 4/5 where you can still have fun

Please bring back the auction house. The game is a huge disappointment without it. I’m already considering selling my new Xbox and going to PlayStation. Pleasssssssseeeeee bring it back.

They took out the auction house in NBA 2k24 against the fans uproar. It never came back.

I don’t imagine it coming back here either.

Such an obvious need. And yet here I am voting for it.