Well, Finally Reached Legendary Tuner, BUT

…it’s about a month too late to sell off my rare car collection for decent money, which I’ve gathered from wheelspins and seasonal events over the last 10 months.

Managed to sell a few HotWheels vehicles , 2018 Civic and Mini All4 for 20m, but everything else is now toast.

All the other once rare cars are now only worth peanuts in comparison to what they were worth a while back, due mainly to to the fact they were given away as seasonal prizes a while back and also the change in the AH pricing, which was probably brought about by those whining about not getting the “Rare” cars, despite not being prepared to put the work in!.

On the plus side, I can now use the AH as a storage location to free up space in my garage, which was at capacity by listing cars @ 20m without fear of them actually selling.

Obviously this is only a temporary measure as they can one be left in the AH for 60 days, but gives me a bit of breathing room to spin out over 1200 wheel spins!

There’s always an upside if you look hard enough. LOL

I wasn’t sure if legendary still works, I’m close now.

The only reasoning behind online-only exclusive events is the fact that there are more online users than there are strictly or at least mostly offline users like myself. However I stopped focusing on tuner/painter ranking since shortly after FH4 released. There are so many people now that upload the same black and gold designs to every single car they can and make legend (or “rank 20” in FH4) super quickly. That versus actually putting time into liveries, which I cannot say all of them are not. But I’m seeing less and less truly unique paintjobs now even though there still are a few who take the time even with that simple of a design (utilizing negative space and focusing on where edges match up to compensate for less-than-accurate anti-aliasing).

I got to elite painter and pro tuner on FH4 and nonetheless am more of a painter than a tuner. But with the influx of younger players flooding FH4 I have to say I can’t blame anyone. My definition of worthiness is probably very different from others’.

As for the rarity of said cars, the 812 has already made its comeback, and is bound to fall back to the “ordinary car” status just as many others before (and later to come after) it. I had the mentality of collecting “unicorns” from Forzathon during the first year of FH3, but just a few weeks ago I realized I have never even driven those cars. They’ve just been sitting in my garage since I got them… so I ask “what’s the use of having a car I don’t drive?”

I sold off the ones I never drove and yes, I’ll probably never have one again. But it’s just a unicorn. It’s just there to be there and serves no other purpose whatsoever, lol. Now the JCW Buggy I do like. It looks good, handles great offroad and everything. The 812… I’m a big Ferrari guy so you can guess. But other cars such as the old VWs recently, as well as the random “rare” wheelspin cars (the 1978 Z28?) I see no reason for them to be there. HOWEVER, I love the idea. It forces it to be exclusive and it’s a popular care in real life regardless. But because I play mostly solo a lot of the time, I’m forced to go online and do challenges (usually with other players who, ahem excuse my ego but, “aren’t as skilled as I am”) for the cars I actually want.

Upon receiving the unicorn, the value skyrockets. But as soon as the second wave of challenges comes through and it’s available again, the value tanks and, again, becomes an “ordinary car”. Don’t get me wrong, I still love the challenges themselves. I’m just too selfish and don’t have the dedication to run with an active team or club. The cars themselves aren’t the issue. The irregularity and tendencies of the community are. I like running around in the old Mosler and just a few weeks ago got myself an MC12 Corsa (good to see that finally back in action since FH1) but drawing a profit off selling the so-called “hard to find” cars is not going anywhere. The R34 is still sky high, lol. Yeah all that looks like I’ve overdone the typing part. Hopefully you enjoyed that wall of text.

tl;dr it doesn’t seem like anything is changing anytime soon.

Just because something is “old” doesn’t mean that it’s not any good and/or is useless and/or has no value. Have you even bothered to tune any of these cars to see what they can do? You might be surprised. There are many absolute gems in this game that are quite versatile and perform very well at various levels, they just need some upgrading and tuning love.

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I can still make money on the auction if I want to, it’s picked up again in the past couple of weeks. Made 3 Million today in about 3 minutes… wasn’t really trying.

Strangely, I just sold an “Austin Taxi” and “Audi TT RS” for 20m each!

How does that even happen?

The “Austin Taxi” is currently selling for under 1m (Buyout)
The “Audi TT RS” is currently selling for under 800,000cr (Buyout).

Not complaining though! LOL

That shouldn’t happen, maybe PG buy some cars to give people credits? Before the internet there were auction games that purely had AI buyers.

Hold off on the wheel spins as they are adding the ability to accept credits in exchange for the vehicle in an update coming soon!



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Is this a fact? Must’ve missed it in the Forzathon Monthly. :frowning:

Never mind, just watched the last “FH4 Update 12” and it was mentioned near the end. Not definite, but probable if possible!

Don’t those get removed after a few weeks?