Well done T10. The proximity radar is an awesome addition

If the game sent the right data, and if you were on PC, you could use Crewchief. That app runs circles around the lady that doesn’t like us.

I either drive cockpit or bonnet view.
This should have been a release day feature.
Collisions almost 0 now :slight_smile:


+1 for track ribbon underlay


I think radar should always on hud,or make it an optional option. I noticed that if a car’s relative position to you remains unchanged for a short period of time, the radar will automatically turn off, even if the following car is only 0.2 seconds away from you


Well that’s what we expect from Turn10, a half baked implementation of what we wanted.

Half baked? It’s better than what GT7 has. It’s also pretty good for a first try. Any issues we have can be fixed and changed if they continue to listen to feedback and I don’t see why they would stop now after 2 changes (radar and career mode grind) that everyone seems to be happy with. They deserve to be called out on their mistakes but also for their wins. This is a win.


Do most racing sims have this radar?

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To add:

  1. longer detection range, or at least the option to increase it

  2. a fade-in/fade-out as cars approach detection range, as opposed to the animation being an instant, digital on/off when opponents come and go

  3. rotation/direction of opponents matching their relative orientation to you on track

It’s already a huge step in the right direction. A few tweaks would go a long way.


The other two racing titles I play do, ACC and GT7. The FM design has more in common with ACC, to my eye.

Another play session. I completed the D and C Open cups. Radar works very, very well at conveying a sense of depth perception. How close, and how fast is the opponent car approaching.

The added awareness resulted in me seeing only “racing incident” type contact with AI cars (and all with zero penalties).

And I avoided a few AI cars that were clearly attempting to dive inside on a corner, or something. Situations where previously I would likely be hit, clipped on a rear corner, or have the AI “dig in” (thus maybe spin or pushed sideways), situations where I’d often get a penalty, too.

Good stuff.


Hopefully a future update adds the radar data to UDP Data Out, as I have ideas for integrating it into my dash.


I was wanting to ask you if it did export the data. Too bad it doesn’t at this moment. I was thinking of using my phone as a full time radar and clipping it to the top of my monitor.

AFAIK the data for other cars is not included in the UDP output.

Sorry @PJTierney answered this above.

I do this with my phone and / or iPad in other racing games and recommend simhub for this purpose.

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Check out our Forza Friday livestream today on Twitch where our hosts will be talking specifically about Proximity Radar.

Friday, July 12, 2024 5:00 PM



This question was posted in the livestream chat at 47 minutes in:

“Quick question, were more radar placements discussed (on screen)? If yes, was there a reason why more flexibility wasn’t given to the user? I am very satisfied with what we have, just curious”

The answer given, which I’ll paraphrase until I can transcribe it exactly from the VOD after the stream is over:
We would love to add every feature the community wants, but for every change, that introduces a significant amount of testing to make sure it doesn’t break something else. This involves UI, performance testing, Accessibility, gameplay, and other factors. Proximity Radar was added because it was ranked so highly in the Suggestions Hub. Now we’re monitoring for reaction to it as is from the community, and will continue watching the Suggestions Hub for further requests related to Proximity Radar and other features that the team will consider for the future.



Hi @PJTierney , add it to the suggestion hub. :grinning:

Hi @T10ManteoMax . Why not make a specific thread for Foza Friday from now on?

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UDP doesn’t share opponent data (coordinates, times etc.), so it’s impossible to build a radar.

I have a suggestion thread in for additional UDP options, go vote on it.

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Already voted. But still placing the link here for those that didn’t.

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I give the devs and this game plenty of sarcastic hell, but i’m fair and will give credit when deserved, proximity radar is a good addition.