WEC/IMSA/Le Mans-ish Series?

Hey guys. Been out of the Forza circus for a while but decided to jump back in last week. After spending a couple days getting my credits up I’m starting to branch back out into multiplayer races. but lobbies are highly hit or miss in terms of competition or cleanliness. I’m down to run in a series though, I used to be active in the FLMS, archived on their now-defuct ass site http://forzalemans.net/index/. I was wondering if you guys knew any sort of multiclass sportscar, lemans-like series going on currently or starting up soon? Now that we have the 919, TS040, Nissan LMP along with the Audi, plus a whole roster of GT cars, it’d just make sense. Let me know guys, thanks for any help

I have an endurance league that will be entering its third season next Sunday (May 15) at 3:00pm EST. This season we are only racing Weathertech Sports Car tracks and cars (with a few exceptions). We have 13 drivers officially in and 6 more that just need to pick their cars. Right now all the prototype slots are taken so if you or anyone else wants to join they will have to settle for GT. If you want to try it out just message me on XBL: Niv Bomb

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Not trying to thread jack but I’m potentially interested. Could you send me details in a pm or link to the series please?

Unless they fixed the Toyota TS040 and Nissan GTRLM, there’s no way you’re going to be able to do this series with damage on. Both cars have terrible fuel mileage.

Thanks for the input man. No more room for just one more prototype? If not I could be competitive in GT given I get enough practice with the car. You have a thread on the series?

Never realized that. Thats pretty unfortunate, maybe could be fixed with Balance of Performance groups like we had on Forza 4? Or have things changed drastically since then…

So I don’t have a thread up yet but i do have a website http://forzaonlineenduranceseries.weebly.com/ the only thing is I need to update the rules.

Thanks I’ll have a look if you’re still accepting all entries

If you are looking for a Multi Class series, then we are about to start an IMSA series this Sunday at 7pm UK time (that’s 2pm East Coast) and prototype is available with the Corvette DP and Ford Riley DP :
