We need better drifting events

Hey everyone I hope all is well I’ve been drifting since Forza motorsport 1 and it’s been so much fun throughout all the series but to be honest I wish there was a little bit more competition with the drifting I understand in Forza horizon 5 there is something called horizon open drifting which is decent at best I feel it’s not balanced enough since you can use awd and rwd Also the maps are more laid out for circuit they don’t flow very well it would be nice if we could create custom drift races like you can do with all the other ones it would also be nice if we could get a more competitive side to drifting kind of like carx top 32 drifting events but maybe a little bit smaller like even 1v1 or 2v2 or top 8 to 16 because most of the time those top 32 events don’t even get filled up but one things for sure is most People who drift we do it in free roam and we do some tandem drifting but it’s just not official enough we would love to see a more competitive event with clipping points especially in the new motorsport coming out either way keep up the great work the game is phenomenal I just find myself getting bored quickly as all I do is drift in free roam


I agree 100%!

I can’t be bothered with drifting, just doesn’t interest me in the slightest.

Honestly it is pretty much all I do, anything else in the game is boring.

That’s funny because I find drifting boring. Lol

To each their own, The only thing I find fun and challenging in the game is drifting.

Drifting challenging in FH5??? since when? oh my…

Sorry but no. More drifting things??? hahahaha, please stop joking around. We have enough already.