OK, I’m trying to get a photo of my Huracan where the it’s raining and the sun is bright and then it stops raining and the water droplets remain on the car…I know this feature has been showcased in some photographs published by Turn10 Studios, so why isn’t this feature working in the game now? Also we need Forzavista finished in the game as well.
Here is an example where the rain is falling and from the inside of the car you see the rain, but on the outside rains seems to be collecting on the windshield and not on the paint:
I was wondering the exact same thing. If you know anything about texturing 3D models what I see happening is when it rains it looks like a special bump map layer with a drastically increased shine level is activated. No rain drops beading off a freshly waxed paint job that was shown in the pre launch tech demos shows up in my game.
I expect all the launch problems have allowed this to slip under the radar unlike with FM5 where people were up in arms that the actual game had been toned down from what the tech demos showed.
come on man really…lol the community had been asking for weather and now you got it.
I think its a good effect on the cars and I appreciate the effort playground games has done and put together a racer better then turn 10 has done in there 5 titles.
If you want water beads, you need to buy Driveclub my friend. Considering that game looks incredibly boring and has about 8 cars I don’t think you will. lol
You can even get a sun reflection if you time it right. This one isn’t good for anything but a demonstration, but I probably would have lost the beads if I took the time to reposition the car:
Though I would like to see some weight given to the drops in FH3 so that they roll with the car’s pitch, are you sure it’s not your focus that is causing the drops to loose their luster?